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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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At the time, Bella felt she made the right decision to say no to Jackson's invitation to Bailey's wedding. The bride didn't like the neurosurgeon so of course, she declined attending on the arm of Avery. Bella wasn't one to turn down an evening of free booze and finger food, especially not wedding cake, but being surrounded by people who thought she was the enemy, didn't interest her at all.

Just like she expected, the ER was chocker. There weren't any head traumas that required her instant attention that night, so she mostly treated wounds and signed off on patients so they could be discharged. It was a heavy night but she got through it with some interesting stories. She never thought anyone could be called Gasoline but working the night shift changed that for her.

The following day consisted of her listening to all kinds of gossip. Some came from the people themselves, others were overheard from nurses as they felt more than comfortable including Bella. Her morning started off with Kepner finding her in the attending's lounge and chewing her ear off about how Shane Ross thought April was flirting with her. Apparently, Kepner being a decent human being translated as her begging for sex from an intern. That curled a belly laugh out of Bella, just as everyone expected. She thoroughly enjoyed other's pain. The suffering that she didn't have to go through.

Next on the list was Karev, although his version went a little bit differently. He joined Bella on her lunch and stole a bunch of her fries before he let it all out of him. He popped like a balloon with words just flowing out of his mouth like water out of a tap.

"I only tried to have a conversation with her and she shut me off every time," he fumed, shaking his head in frustration. He continued to eat Bella's food, and at some point, she just felt it to be better if she pushed the entire tray over to the surgeon. "I understand that the kid might be mine. But it might be Avery's—and I can't compete with that."

"No one is making you compete with anything. Calm down," she told him. Her eyes watched carefully as he focused on the food before him. So deeply in his own mind, yet aware of Bella's presence, and her need to understand the situation better. Even if it was only for her entertainment. "What did you say that made her go off?"

"That if she wants her kid to have a good life, she shouldn't find out who the father is. Just go with Avery," the comment took the breath out of Bella's lungs. Her brain just shut off. She physically had to hold onto something to ground herself because that was the last thing she expected to hear.

"I—I have no word good enough to describe how I feel right now," she said. "You told April to pick someone else because... what? You're not ready? You don't want anything to do with her?"

"Bella, I'm no father material. I don't know how to be a father."

"Well, no shit, Karev," she laughed. "You've never been a father. This is your chance. This is your time to shine."

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