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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Nothing could deter Bella from continuing her work on Dr Nicole Herman's tumour that day, and it appeared Dr Robbins found herself in the same boat.

The soft buzzing of the computer and the sound of its built-in fan trying to keep the machine from frying while being used kept the room filled with enough noise to save the room from complete silence. Bella was also in the middle of her very late lunch, impossibly early dinner, so it didn't exactly matter too much to her. The only thing that seemed to interrupt this moment was the door that opened behind the two surgeons and revealed Nicole Herman.

"How was the surgery?" Ledford wondered after she swallowed the bite, and turned back to the computer screen. The neurosurgeon hadn't seen Herman since last night, when she found out Bella knew of her tumour. Shortly after that, Ledford proposed she could remove the tumour but her plans fell upon deaf ears as her soon-to-be-patient turned around and walked out.

"I'm not here to discuss my work," Herman answered. "I'm here to talk."

Bella smirked and fist bumped herself mentally. Yes! She lowered her sandwich slowly and wiped her hands in the napkin. Her back touched the black leather chair and turned back to the woman. Bella cleared her throat and sent Herman a smile.

"Well, let's talk, then," she agreed, glancing over to Arizona, who tried desperately, but failed, to hide her smile.

The only thing they needed after that was the presence of the Chief. Previously, Bella had spoken to him so he was in the know and expected the meeting sometime soon. Considering that Herman was an attending, and head of department at that, it was crucial for Hunt to be present when discussing her treatment.

Just as soon as Chief Hunt made it to the room, he asked for Bella to begin explaining her plan. She chose to focus on an image that perfectly outlined where the tumour positioned itself in Herman's brain because it made it easier for everyone else to not just hear her approach, but also to understand.

"See this here? This linear hypointensity?" she asked everyone while standing beside the large image of the scan, then put her hands in her pockets. "It is a CSF plane. That's what can give me a clean dissection."

"Huh," Robbins hummed.

"If I leave behind one billionth of a malignancy, the tumour will be back, so I am going to have to use every tool in the box to make this work," Ledford continued and walked away from the scan, standing almost behind Arizona. "I'm talking CUSA, lasers, fluorescein, radioactive seeds. I will not stop until I have completely decimated each and every last cell."

The determination in her voice, the hunger in her eyes was raw. Bella felt more than capable of tackling this tumour, and after her explanation on how she'd approach the matter, Arizona seemed sold. She smiled at the neurosurgeon, impressed, then swivelled her chair to face Herman, and Bella followed this as she looked ahead.

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