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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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The worst part felt over.

Apologies shared, I love you's whispered, hearts mended by kisses that touched the other's soul. The journey towards healing began with the hope of a better future for Bella and Jackson as a team.

Hours passed since Jackson had arrived and knocked down Bella's front door. Night had fallen to the point where the air smelled of winter snow. Perhaps Bella forgot how to think when she opened her huge windows and aired the living room out for her own sake, to calm her mind after everything she had discussed with Jackson, because when he came out of the bathroom, wrapped in only a mustard-coloured towel, he cursed and shivered before he ran back to her room.

In there, he looked through the wardrobe as though he owned it then pulled out the pair of shorts he remembered—hoped, as he revealed a minute later—he left from his last visit. Bella made herself comfortable in her bed and pulled her phone off the charger while she noticed from the corner of her eye that the used towel dropped from around Jackson's body.

The thought seemed enough to burn the skin of Bella's cheeks. To think of it right then and there, she had to realise it had been way too long since the last time they had sex. Until then, she somehow suppressed the feeling to the point where it burst out of her all together.

She supposed the emotion flashed over her face. Everything had to be crystal clear in her eyes, maybe even in the way her lips parted, because Jackson's lips pulled higher and higher as he crawled onto the bed. He supported himself on his fists, one on either side of Bella's legs which she crossed at her ankles. Warmth radiated off of him, most likely from his shower, and she welcomed the familiar feeling eagerly.

"I missed that look," he spoke slowly and low, his voice hoarse. Now, he felt way too close for Bella to even attempt to think rationally. "God, have I missed that look? It's trouble," he whispered and his nose brushed up against hers. She felt his breath on her mouth, it caused her lips to tingle and ache with need.

Finally, when he kissed her, because he didn't seem to be able to hold himself together any longer, she sighed into his mouth and carefully placed her arms around his neck. Jackson inhaled through his nose and his body moulded against hers. Chest to chest, hips to hips, until she couldn't help but whimper at the feel of how hard he had become because of her. Bella could feel him losing his grip on himself, his control weakening, because his arms touched her firmer.

Bella inhaled, and the smell of her vanilla shower gel hit her senses. Her smile into the kiss broke the moment but not entirely as Jackson continued to kiss his way down her neck. "You smell like me," she whispered. 

He chuckled against her skin before he pressed his mouth below her ear. Jackson's lips followed the line of her jaw, her chin, and he landed the final peck on her plump lips. "I like smelling like you," he mumbled. "Makes me feel like you're always there."

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