💛Chapter 3💛

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While I was sweeping the gram crackers Yosohn broke and dropped into the dust pan he came and hugged me knocking me over. "I love you.", he said squeezing my neck. I laughed and hugged him back.

"I love you more Papa.", I said before kissing his cheek. "You ready to go see grandma?", I asked as I picked us up. I dumped the garbage as he nodded. Khalid reached out to me and asked if I could help his guy Manny with his daughters hair. I said I would. My mommas cooking Sunday dinner and said we can do the little hair lesson then.

Now that I dumped the garbage we can go.

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While I was pouring the macaroni in the pan I heard my momma ask who was at the door before opening it. I poked my head out the kitchen door and saw they guys and girls walking in the living room with my momma following. I finished the macaroni and put it in the oven before going to say hello.

Ava and K'Monie hugged me, I hugged them back as I said hello. I waved and said hello to the guys after we let go. "Khalid I need you to grab the ice out the basement.", my momma said.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be back Manny.", Khalid said walking to the basement.

"Bet.", Manny said.

"Make yourself a home.", my momma told Manny as she slowly followed behind Khalid.

"Oh yes ma'am, thank you again for inviting us.", Manny said.

"You're so welcome baby. He so polite.", my momma said to me. I smiled at her as she disappeared in the kitchen.

"I can grab the kids a few toys and start showing you some stuff if you want.", I said.

"Whenever you ready ma.", he said. Mmm can you say wet? I nodded.

"You want something to drink?"

"Nah I'm good right now thank you though."

"You welcome.", I said before leaving to get the kids some juice and snacks and toys. "Is she allergic to anything?", I asked.

"Nah she good.", he said. I nodded and sat the stuff down for them. I sat on the other couch and grabbed the bag of hair stuff I bought. "Oh yeah how much I owe you?", he asked pulling out a wallet.

"Oh no you good I got it."

"Nah I can't have you doing that."

"I'm not taking it really. It's not a problem I got it. It ain't hurting me.", I said. He looked at me for a minute.

"A'ight.", he said putting his wallet back. "I was able to wash her hair too." I nodded as I set everything out.

"Okay good. Come here K'Monie you can bring your juice." She came and I sat her between my legs. "You can find somewhere closer so you can see." He came and sat next to me, right next to me. This man smell so good.


I showed him a few things before styling her hair. "Where's her mom if you don't mind me asking?", I asked.

"She overdosed last year.", he said.

"I'm so sorry."

"I wasn't hurt. I wish my daughter could have had her mother in her life but she didn't want her. She talked about her like shit before she was even born and after she left her in the hospital so it's been fuck her since. What about his pops?"

"He's dead. Him and my brother went and did a drop while I was 8 months pregnant. It was a set up by my brother ex.", I explained.

"Damn, I'm sorry.", he said shaking his head. Before I could respond his daughter came to me holding out her arms. I picked her up and she laid on my chest. I poked my lip out and rested my head on hers.

"Aww. She too cute." Ava came and laid on the other side of my chest. I held Ava's head and kissed it. I looked and Yosohn was knocked out on the couch.

"The kids love you.", Manny chuckled lowly. I chuckled.

"I love the kids too.", I said.

"Umm-" Before Manny could finish what he was saying Khalid came and told us the food was done. He grabbed Ava who was sleep and Manny grabbed K'Monie who was sleep.

"What was you about to say?", I asked as he sat up from laying her down.

"Aye I'll show you where the bathroom is so you can wash up.", Khalid said before he could reply.

"Later.", he said nodding. I nodded before going to help my momma set the table.


On my way back from the bathroom the door was knocked on. "Who is it?", I asked.

"It's Tae, can we talk please?", I heard from the door. I exhaled and went outside closing the door behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You know if my momma came and saw you out here she'd have my cousin pop yo' goofy ass."

"I'm sorry, I need you to come home Jazmine. I'm dying." He do look sick. He started coughing into his elbow and showed me the blood on his sleeve.

"Tae I'm not a doctor nor a miracle worker. You dying ain't got shit to do with me. Once I felt like you ain't give a fuck about my son it was wraps. You treated me like shit but never my son that's why I always came back. You fucked up now. I'm sorry but I have nothing to say to you or do for you. No I will not be coming back. Please don't come to my mothers house anymore.", I said. He looked at me for a minute before nodding and weakly going to his car.

I went in the house and closed and locked the door. I leaned against the door and closed my eyes as I tried to control my breathing.

I played with my necklace as my nostrils flared. I hope I didn't t make a mistake. "You did the right thing.", I heard my momma say. I looked in the direction her voice from and saw her.

My breathing relaxed and I calmed down, that's all I needed. I nodded and we went back to the table. We joined the conversation and finished eating.


"I can carry little man outside for you.", I heard Manny say as Papa was taken out of my arms. My hands are full.

"Thank you.", I said grabbing everything else I needed.

"No problem." He looked back at his sleeping daughter.

"She's good go ahead baby.", my momma waved him off.

"Yes ma'am.", he said before following me outside. I put the stuff I had in my hands on the hood of my car and unlocked the doors. Before I could open the back door for him he opened it. I put everything I had in the front seat and waited on him to finish buckling him up.

After he did he closed the door. "Thank you again.", I said looking at Papa through the window. The kids woke up to eat then knocked right back out.

"It's no problem really. Earlier I was gone ask if I could take you and Yosohn to Chuck E Cheese with K'Monie and me this weekend.", he said.

"Ooh. I just got out of a bad relationship and-"

"I just got out of a bad relationship myself-"

"Mmm what you do? Hit her? Cheat? You look like an abusive cheater.", I said with crossed arms. He chuckled.

"Nah actually she cheated on me multiple times but when I found out she hit my daughter it was wraps. I never put my hands on a female, karma a bitch and I'll kill a nigga over mine. Y'all have a good night.", he said before walking away.  Damn I feel so bad.

When I was about to stop him my phone went off. I looked and it said 5 percent. He asked me to send the pictures the kids took in my phone to him so I got his number I'll text him tomorrow I guess.

I got in my car and left.

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