💛Chapter 4💛

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Me:Hey I got K'Monie cup it was in the side of Yosohn bag, I can drop it off
Manny:We at the park on Hardly gone be here for another hour or so we can meet up afterwards if you want
Me:That's close to my place I'll be there in 5

"You wanna go play at the park Papa?", I asked as I grabbed his Spider-Man slides.

"Yes!", he yelled nodding his head and bobbing his fro. I chuckled then put his shoes on.


When we made it to the playground I saw him pushing her on the swing. She waved at us as we got closer. We waved back then Yosohn ran over there.

He talked to Manny then gave him a high five then Manny picked him up and put him in there. He was pushing both of them by the time I made it to them. "Hey.", I said.

"Hey.", he said back.

"Slide! Slide! Slide!", K'Monie yelled. He stopped her and got her out.

"You wanna get on the slide too Yosohn?", Manny asked. Yosohn nodded so he took him out. The kids ran to the slide and we walked to the bench and sat down.

"I apologize for yesterday. I was wrong."

"I apologize too, I over reacted. I should've stayed out there til y'all pulled off." He's sweet.

"I'll accept your apology if you accept mine.", I said smiling. He smiled.

"A'ight apology's accepted.", he said.

"Now, I would love to take you and K'Monie to Chuck E Cheese this weekend."

"We down." I smiled.

"Good.", I said. We watched the kids in silence for probably half an hour. A comfortable silence.

"Yo' last nigga was a cheater and abusive I'm guessing.", he said breaking the silence.

"Why you say that?"

"That's the first thing you thought of me, just put 2 and 2 together."

"Yeah I guess. I mean, shit he was.", I shrugged. "We always fought and he was always with his first love. The last time though my son was at the door crying for me and he wouldn't stop hitting me then he said me and my punk ass son could leave. That was the end of it right there. Like if you can stand there and hear my son screaming for me while you beating my ass and continue to beat my ass not giving a fuck then disrespect my son period I can't be with you. I stayed after the fights but her never said anything bad or did Papa wrong.", I said.

"You shouldn't be with a nigga that's gone put his hands on you in the first place.", he said.

"You right, we wasn't always like that though. I think that's why I held on so long, tryna get the old him back. I should've left the first time he cheated and hit me."

"At least you know now. Got a chance to do it over."

"Ion really wanna do it over though. I'm scared to get hurt again I don't think I'd ever be able to love a man correctly cause a man never loved me correctly.", I admitted. I felt him look at me but I didn't look at him. "Then again I know me, I always wanted love. Maybe when this little hurt go away I'll be ready to try again."

"I can tell you got a good heart.", I heard him say. I looked at him and he was looking at the kids.

"Sometimes that's my downfall. You seem different though, not like these other niggas.", I said as I looked back at the kids.

"I'm definitely not. I am different, I'm not like these other niggas." I nodded. "Whole different cloth my baby." Boy if you don't stop.

"What makes you different?"

"We can talk about that one all day to be honest.", he said looking at his phone. "Shit. I gotta go before I'm late to work.", he said quickly getting up. He went and grabbed K'Monie and rubbed Yosohn's head, "Later little man."

Yosohn started pouting and his lip quivered. My baby wanted to play. "Come here Papa.", I said as I stood up and held out my arms. He ran to me as he cried. "You want some ice cream?", I asked. He nodded. I grabbed our stuff and we left.


As I laid Papa down my phone rung. We didn't even get ice cream. He just kept crying K'Monie for about 10 minutes until he knocked out on our way home.

I looked to see who was calling and it's Manny. Before I could answer the call stopped. I called back. He answered after the first ring.

Me:Hey you just called?

He chuckled.

Manny:Yeah, I know this weird as fuck cause we just met but can you watch K'Monie until I get off? My baby sitter canceled on me last minute, ion got no family, and Khalid got called in. He recommended you that's the only reason I'm asking.
Me:Of course bring her over I'll send you my address.
Manny:You serious?
Me:Yeah once y'all left Papa was screaming his head off, when he wake up he'll be happy to see her.
Manny:I definitely owe you one. Send me the addy I'm on my way.

He hung up and I sent my address.

Not even 10 minutes later my door was knocked on. I checked and made sure it was him before opening it. I moved over so he could bring her in. She's sleep too. He laid her next to him and put her bag down. "I get off at 3, I can have Khalid pick her up at 10 when he get off.", he said.

"No she's fine here, he can rest. I'm on vacation this whole week I need stuff to do.", I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Thanks again. I hate to drop and go but-" You can come drop whenever you want.

"Go ahead it's fine." He left locking the bottom lock and closing the door behind him.


While I was cleaning up toys Manny FaceTimed me. I looked at the time and it was 10. I looked and K'Monie was sleep right next Papa. I answered it and put the camera on her.

Manny:She knocked.
Me:They fell asleep around 8:30. They ate some chicken nuggets, macaroni, and green beans. We made cookies and did TikToks. We made some pictures too.

I showed him the pictures the kids made.

Manny:Y'all just going all out I see. She not being bad is she?
Me:Oh no. She got a little attitude though. I love it.

He laughed.

Manny:Yeah her attitude on 10. I was just calling to check in though. Bout to go back in. Imma text on my lunch and see what she doing.

We hung up.


Manny called my phone waking me up. I looked at this time, it's 3:25 he probably outside.

Manny:I'm outside.
Me:Come in.

I unlocked the door then hung up. As I sat on the couch he walked in. "Hello.", I said.

"Hey. Is it cool if I sit down for a minute? I changed out my work clothes.", he said.

"Go a head." He sat next to K'Monie and laid his head back. I heard snoring a minute later. I looked and he was knocked.

I tried waking him but he wouldn't budge.

I went to lock the door but he already did. I shrugged then went and checked on Papa. He's sleeping in his bed. I got in my bed and drifted off.

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