💛Chapter 20💛

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"You really got me fucked up right now.", I said moving my head. Manny rubbed his hands down his face.

"I just want what's best for you, our children, and our unborn.", he explained.

"How is me sitting on my ass what's best for me or them?!"

"I don't want you to over work yourself baby. I want you to relax. Let me take care of everything. I got you I just need you to believe me." He held my face and looked in my eyes. I rolled my eyes and moved his hands from my face.

I never depended on money from a man, I always got my own. I depended on Tae for a place to lay my head and look what happened. "You been workin', hustlin' damn near your whole life you even said it. It's time for you to sit pretty and relax. Let me take care of you.", he said. I rolled my eyes.

"We can finish this conversation after I get off.", I said grabbing my bag and looking at him.

"Mmcht a'ight." I walked to the door and he followed me. I looked at him confused. "Damn I can't walk my lady to her car? You being mean today." I softened my face. He opened the door and we walked out. I was about to open my door but he put his hand on it stopping me. "Just think about it." He kissed me then opened the door.

"I'll think about it.", I said before getting in.


I sat outside tired as fuck. These 12 hour shifts getting hard. I'm only 8 weeks.

Since I told Manny things been different. Don't get me wrong things with me and him always been great but it's like now it's even better. The only thing is he keep begging me to stop working, move into a new house with him, and let him handle everything. Like this is an everyday conversation, I'm tired of telling his ass no.

I let Tae take care of everything, except I wasn't tryna stop working. Where did I end up? At my momma house with little to nothing of my own. Manny is far from a Tae but, that shit made me realize I can never depend on a nigga for absolutely nothing.

While I was in thought my passenger door was opened. I looked and saw Manny grabbing my bag as he sequenced. I turned my car off and took the key out the ignition as my door was opened. Manny held out his hand and I grabbed it. He helped me out the car and kissed me before closing my door. "How was work?", he asked with a raspy voice as we held hands walking in the house.

"Long, my feet are killing me. My shoes feel so small, imma order me some more before I go in tomorrow.", I said as we walked in. Once I walked in I smelt cinnamon rolls and heard the shower.

"Everything in the bathroom for you, the kids sleep on the couch, imma scramble you some eggs and fry some bacon then I'll bring you some food. Take your shower and get in bed. Leave your scrubs on the floor I'll wash them." I looked at him with my head tilted as tears filled my eyes.

"You so sweet."

"Baby please don't cry, you gone make me feel bad. Even though they happy tears.", he said pulling me to him.

I haven't done no over night shifts since I been pregnant. I'd normally go in the morning and be back at night. He'd have my shower going have dinner made for us, but he woke up just for me. Just to make sure I didn't have to do nothing extra and go to sleep full.

"I love you. I'm not gone cry.", I said wiping my face. He kissed me as I pulled back. "I love you too, go get in the shower." I walked upstairs to the bathroom and dropped my clothes.

To be only 8 weeks I feel huge. Like you can see a bump already, I didn't start showing with Papa until I was like 20 weeks. My momma said I would start showing earlier than before but I didn't think this soon.


Manny rubbed my feet as I ate. "So, are you still thinking?", he asked looking up at me. I slit my eyes at him. "Sorry baby I'm just ready for an answer, I'll wait til you tell me."

"I don't already told you no, multiple times.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay so tell me why."

"Cause I'm not about to end up back at my momma house with nothing to my name."

"I ain't that nigga Jazmine.", he said as he stopped rubbing my feet. I look up from my plate to him. "Like, after all this you still got your guard up? All we been through?" I looked back at my plate and took my last bite of cinnamon roll. "I know you scared but I ain't never gave you a reason to be. Don't let that nigga fuck up something good." I looked up at him. "Imma just tell moms." He shrugged and got up as I sucked my teeth. "Get some sleep imma wash this and get your scrubs washed." He kissed my head and took my plate before leaving. I laid down and drifted off.

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