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rel; hey god. its me again.  im making a story nobody asked for. you're welcome.

• × •

!!  short story !!

i do not own any ownership of kazuha (i mean man, i wish i did) nor genshin. i dont want to get sued by mihoyo lmao.

i do not own you as well. unless.. jk.

also idol au! inspired by veechu_'s art. my homie, wherever you are, please know i love you and you are such a great artist, i miss your art everyday and i hope youre doing okay. thank you for your idol au! 4nemo. ilyvm.

the only thing i own here is the plot and my oc's if i ever include any of them.

thank you.

dedicated to every1 who's pulling for maple aether!!

art on cover is made by @/naruneh on ig!!

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