4 | broke

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| (first name) |

"god.. what am i supposed to do now.." you mumbled to yourself as you were deadpan nervous about this months rent. you were already a week and 3 days late of payment.

its been about 2 months since you got fired from the cafe you were working in, and if you didn't find a new job at this point, you'd be down on your luck drained off your whole bank account.

to ease out a bit of your anxiety, you stood up to turn the television on. as soon as you did, you noticed that famous boy group 4NEMO were in a talk show.

"they must be living the dream.." you told yourself as you silently watched them talk.

"so, are there any news on your new album?"

"our lyrical mastermind, kazuha has a lot to share with you once we finish the album"

"xiao is over exaggerating, i'm no lyrical genius."

"you can expect the best as we pop out the new upcoming single next week!"

"ah yes, we hope you support our new song to be out in a couple of days. your support would always mean the world to us!"

"so asides from your career, are the members of 4nemo dating someone?"

"we're dating the fans, of course!"

"kazuha tho.."

"oh tea spilled?"

"kazuha owes somebody ¥3000!"


after watching a bit of their segment on tv, you realized, "someone owes me ¥3000 too." you told yourself as you sighed.

"ah.. whatever.. i just need to get through this months rent.."


| kazuha |


"oh my god venti.. how could you just say that out loud on television?" aether told us as i was covering my face from the embarrassment.

"it was funny." venti defended

"jean's pissed, i just know it." xiao told us as we were all heading back to van.

"you really had to remind me about my debt, huh?" i told them as i kep hiding my face in embarrassment.

honestly, i couldn't get it out of my head that somewhere out there. i asked a girl to get off her own booked car and asked her for money, then losing her number.

this seriously feels like a major me problem now..

"good.. you're all here." jean mouthed as she eyed on all of us. "get inside the van."

"yes ma'am." all of us responded as we hurriedly went inside.

"alright. care to explain what happened on the set?" jean seriously asked us as she slammed the door quite loudly.

"it was all venti." xiao said in a heartbeat.

"hey!" venti yelled, "i.. i thought it was just funny." he defended himself while tried to look cute.

"you know i can't allow any scandals for you guys. you have an upcoming album up." jean explained and sighed.

"we understand. i apologize. it's my fault." i told jean as i just tried to close my eyes.

"i never knew you owe someone ¥3000, kazuha." jean mouthed, "who do you owe?"

"actually.. i didn't really want you to know because you'd probably raise hell towards us.. but we're already in this situation so.. listen carefully because i'm not saying it again.." i explained to her as i took a big huff of air after.

"i accidentally almost got followed by a crowd 2 months ago and in order to escape them i had to take a cab but unfortunately i forgot my  wallet.."

"andnowioweastranger¥3000butilosthernumbernowidontknowhowtopayherback." i told her super fast and i swear i saw her eyes twitched

"kazuha! what if she knew you!" jean yelled out

"she doesn't! i'm sure she doesn't!" i told her as the others backed up my claim.

"please.. do me a favor and don't get into any more trouble." jean sighed as she opened the van door. "you guys head back, i have to fix barbara's schedules.. don't do anything stupid while i'm gone." jean said as she hopped out and closed the door.

"man that was nerve wrecking." venti told us,

"dude shut your mouth when the media is here, please." aether begged him.

"ugh fine! i promise i'll shut up." venti mumbled as he gave out a pout.

i looked out the window as i wore my hoodie and mask, the car ride was going smoothly and i just really want to go home.

i closed my eyes for a bit and just let everything drift off..


"kazuu, wake up!" venti shaked the hell out of me.

"..ugh what is it?" i asked him,

"look over your window! poor lady." venti said as i lazily opened my eyes to look over the scene he was pointing at.

"it's just an old lady yelling at a young tenant, whats so specia— wait.." i stopped mid sentence

her hair length, hair color, and physique.. looks so familiar..

"please stop the car." i asked the driver and so he did,

"w-wait! kazu where are you going?" venti yelled out.

"i need to confirm something!" i said as i hurriedly open the door, we were a few steps away from the scene.

"ah please don't throw me out! i promise i'll pay by the end of the week!" the lady begged.

"no! i need it now! you've been stalling and hiding for almost two weeks now!"

"i-i promise ill pay you this time!"

'ah! that voice! ..i finally found her.' i thought to myself..

| (first name) |

"please i promise!" you begged your landlord to give you one final extension.

"if you don't pay now then i'm having all your things thrown out!" she said

"ah please, no, wait.." you started to panic

and all of a sudden, a strange hooded man tugged you away from your landlord.

"excuse me.. i'll pay for her rent."

'wait what?'


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