22 | lemon aromatic

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| third pov |

"what do you need back in svart?" (first name) asked scaramouche who looked like he was enjoying his coffee.

"i told you, our next project lies in svart. i am going to be a psychic from a far away nation as i try to help the poor nation's princess." scaramouche smiled as he explained.

"lady gizem will be my medium," he said once more as he took a sip on his beverage.

"gizem is dead. you can't pull her out the grave." (first name) tells him off.

"according to the amory duchy, gizem was never recorded dead."

(first name) stared at scaramouche for the longest time and sighed.

'i made it look like i died, what the hell is he saying.' (first name) thought to herself.

"little (first name) made a mistake. without lady gizem, the duchy would cease to exist." scaramouche explained to her,

"so in order to stay within the royal borders, they never proclaimed you dead."

(first name) had an unexplainable look, it didn't seem as if she was scared or distressed. rather, she kept a stoic look with her eyes piercing over scaramouche's.

it felt like she would have to give up her 7 years of hiding to go back to the place which all started her misery.

"your uncle will proclaim his son as the new head of the duchy soon. so i'd like if we wrap this up quickly." scaramouche laughs once again as he placed down his teacup.

"are you worried?" he asked as he heard you heave a long sigh as you looked out the cabin's window.

"what do you plan on doing?" she asked.

"asides from bringing the murder blame on cedrik, you planted poison allegations on him too." he says as he stands up to go to the kitchen.

he finds the peculiar (color) diamond crusted container as he smiled at her.

"it's the same poison you used back in svart," scaramouche mouthed.

"it's a slow reactant," (first name) answered him,

"still poison," scaramouche snickered.

"you didn't even know i was coming yet you brought this with you. we must be tightly connected with each other, lady gizem."

"i bring that with me everywhere, stop being delusional." (first name) said as she took the container from him.

scaramouche laughs at her and once again mouths, "the plan is simple, you say good bye to them subtly, and the rest will follow."

"you mean i'll disappear?" she asks him.

"if you want to look like you died again, you can always ask me, i shall oblige to your command, lady gizem." he joked around and did a gentleman's bow.

he takes out a small booklet like paper and hands it over to her,

"a passport?"

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