23.5 | amelié

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| third pov |

"what if i do?" kazuha raised his voice  as (first name) was outside the door.

she sighed hearing half of the things they were going on about,

but aether was not wrong

(first name) was afraid that the reactant would act out before the third day so she immediately asked scaramouche for back up.

'why am i even hesitating to go in right now,'  (first name) battled with herself .

she stood there for 5 minutes more after kazuha yelled out his response.

'too bad..' (first name) thought to herself.

kazuha was rich and could possibly give her anything if she asked.

the problem was, he had a lot to lose if he got tangled with her much further.

the decision of leaving the group was for everyone's safety. even if it means sacrificing the little genuine fun she had.

'masking away my deeds with a pretty smile..' she thought to herself once more before knocking towards the door.

"hello?" (first name) asked before entering the room.

venti opens the door as ge frantically waves, "(first name)! welcome back!"

"..did you perhaps hear anything?" aether asked avoiding eye contact.

"hm? hear what? i'm sorry i just got back. is it something important?" (first name) asked them as she looked clueless.

"it's nothing!" kazuha smiled at her as (first name) walked over to her violin case.

she takes out her violin and places the bow over the table.

"why are you looking at me like that?" (first name) asked.

"ah its just.. you took out your violin." aether smiled at her.

"you said you wanted to play music to take your mind off things."

"i will play you a song," she told them as she fixed her violin.

"you need to listen well because i'm going to give you a performance you won't ever hear again," she laughs

"you're exaggerating," xiao said with a smile.

"haha, am i?" she smiles back at them and positions her instrument to her chin.

with the glide of her bow, the first few notes she hit, kazuha immediately knew the song.

he had an expression one couldn't quite paint correctly, but he kept his eyes directly over (first name).

with every note she hit, she clearly meant something with this song. everyone in the room recognized what she was playing when she finally got to the bridge.

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