20 | peace

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| third pov |

"you have been the most peaceful scenery i have ever encountered in this lifetime." (first name) said as she looked straight into kazuha's eyes.

he suddenly jolted back with his face as red as the single indifferent colored streak on his hair, "w-what?" he stuttered to say.

"i didn't grow up seeing something more at peace than when i first met you." she continued to say as she gave him a big smile.

"i feel loved, especially by all of you.."

"everything was so peaceful so i thought i could finally make peace," she continued to babble.

"then let me continue loving you." kazuha suddenly mentioned as he held her hand.

for the longest time, well, ever since she could remember, nothing was much more surprising than this.

"i- i mean let us love you.. i d-didn't mean to make it weird," he bashfully said as he frantically let go of (first name)'s hand.

"that seems like a good dream." (first name) trailed off her words,

"we should end our talk for now," she followed,

"i hope we get the opportunity to talk more like this," kazuha shyly say.

"go in first, i'll just do something for awhile." she smiled at him as she urged him to go inside.

"..alright, good night, (first name)."

"good night, kazuha."

× (on the assistant's end) ×

as soon as kazuha went inside the cabin, (first name) wandered near the bushes, carefully eyeing each tiny space and the entire surroundings.

"if you don't come out right now, i'll drag you to hell myself." she irritatedly said. walking a bit deeper into the trees.

the paparazzi who was desperately trying to hide on the tree finally caught (first name)'s eye.

"you don't think i'm blind enough, do you?" she eyed him as she reached her hand towards where the paparazzi were hiding.

"to think.. i didn't see you earlier while we were talking.." she begins to loosen her calm as she forcedly yanked him off the tree.

"give me your camera if you want to live long,"

× (on kazuha's end) ×

as soon as kazuha entered the cabin, his ears were still burning red as both of his hands were on his chest,

"stay still, heart.. oh my god.." he kept repeating those words to himself,

"d-did i really just accidentally confessed.."

"she might have thought that i was uncool, hngg." he whined to himself as he covered his face.

"..but she said.. she was at peace with me.." kazuha mumbled to himself as a small smile formed his lips,

"..i wonder when i started to like you.."

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