1 | excuse me?

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| (first name) |

"i'm sorry but we have to let you go.." the café manager told you as you clutched onto your bag.

"times are a bit tough you see.. the café isn't gaining as much as we're putting out, though rest assured we will compensate this months salary,"

"i see." it was all you could manage to mumble.

"we'll pay for your ride home, we can book you a cab." they offered to make you feel a bit better.

"that would be very well appreciated." you replied and gave them a bow.

'i got fired again.' you internally sighed.

"(first name), a blue car would be on its way in two minutes!" the manager said, that was your cue to leave.

"thank you for having me." you said once more then made your way out.

walking out the café never felt more heavier, "what am i supposed to do now, i still have rent to pay!" you told yourself as you started walking to the edge of the street.

"what color was my car again.. oh.. blue" you spoke to yourself as you spot a blue car heading towards your direction.

you waved at the car, as the driver lowered their window, "ms. (full name)?"

"ah yes, thats me." you told him as you opened the door to his car.

you hopped on in and gave yourself a few moments to settle in the vehicle. "where are we off to?" the driver asked

"oh lets go to—" you were caught up with your words when a hooded man with a facemask went inside the car as well..

"sir, can you please take me to teyvat ent.?" he hurriedly told the driver.

you stared at him in disbelief. he looked very suspicious.

"sir.. this is my car.." you told him as you clutched your bag. he was shocked when he faced you. he didn't even notice there was an existing passenger inside the vehicle.

"o-oh. im sorry but.. can you take another car?" he asked you

"excuse me?" you raised a brow.

"i had this car first. please get out." you said as a sudden surge of females were running out on a rampage outside.

the hooded man looked visibly worried, "can we share the ride at least? i really need to go to teyvat ent." he said with a pleading voice.

"no, you look suspicious with your hoodie and mask." you straightforwardly said.

"ma'am, we're in a pandemic.. i need this mask.." he quietly mumbled.

"oh.. yeah.. okay.." you awkwardly said, "fine.. we can share the ride."

"thank you so much." he said as the driver finally drove off to your destination.

the ride to teyvat ent was pretty much a long one, but the guy sure didn't utter a single word.

"so, whats your business in t.e?" you broke off the silence.

"oh, i just need to meet someone there."

| kazuha |

"so, whats your business in t.e?" she suddenly broke off the silence.

oh my lord shes trying to converse with me.. did she find out? no no no. jean is gonna kill me if i get into a scandal.

"oh, i just need to meet someone there."

"i see.. well good luck." she said as she looked out the window

i guess she won't try to converse now.

i felt so exhausted from trying to run away from the crowd i encountered earlier.. i had no choice but to really just hop into this car.

which reminds me.. i have to tell aether..

 i have to tell aether

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'fuck me.' i internally cussed. this cannot be happening right now. no no no.

"sir, we've reach teyvat ent." the driver said, "that'll be ¥3000 sir."

how do i even say i have absolutely no money on me right now..

"is anything wrong?" the lady next to me asked.

should i just ask her..

"hey, you okay?" she asked once more

"uh.. im sorry but, can i borrow money?"

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