5 | paid debt

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| (first name) |

'wait what?' you thought to yourself as you were suddenly pulled close to someone you didn't know.

"do you perhaps take online payments?" the guy said as he took out his phone.

"ah.. i do. just scan this." my landlord said as she finally calmed down.

"here you go." the guy said once more as he scanned the qr code.

"you're lucky your boyfriend paid for your rent this time, (first name)." the landlord snorted, "next time don't be late with your rent payment." she said once more before walking away

leaving you surprised as you watched her go.

"what just happened.." you mumbled out.

"..uh hey" the guy touched your shoulder.

"i dont know if you recall but i owed you ¥3000 before." he continued talking.

you couldn't really see his face as he was wearing a really big black hoodie, with sunglass and a mask to cover his face, "ah.. you might recall me as the taxi guy.. who shamelessly asked for money.."

"oh." was all you could blurt out.

"a-anyways i have to go." he said as he hurriedly tried to walk away

you couldn't just let him leave, so you ran towards him and tugged the back of his hoodie, "wait!"

"my rent was more than ¥3000, i can't possibly make you shoulder all of that! i have to pay you back.." you told him

"i mean not now.. but somehow.. uh someday i will." you followed

he quickly turned around and said, "you dont have to pay me back. consider it as an apology for holding back my debt for 2 months.. uh interest rate.. yeah thats it.."

"anyways i really have to go now." he said once more and ran to the other side of the road.

"hey wait! i didn't get your name!" you yelled out. "i'm (first name)!"

he stopped in his tracks when he heard you yell out your name, he took a quick glance at you and gave out a small wave before going inside a big white van.

"..he didn't even give me his name."


| kazuha |


"you're insane." venti said immediately as i entered back the van, both aether and xiao still sound asleep.

"didn't know you could be someones knight in shining armor." venti joked around.

"hey we will not speak of this.. i already paid my debt back.. let's just be quiet." i told him as i sat back to my seat.

"wait.. that girl was the one you owed money with?" venti asked, "i thought you just wanted to be superman for a second there." he followed and chuckled.

"let's keep this a secret between you and i." i said as i gave back his glasses.

"don't be such a loud mouth."

"hey! after you snatched my glasses from me, now you call me a loud mouth. you're unbelievable, kazu!" venti whined.

"alright! i take it back, lets just please keep it a secret.."

"ugh fine.. but only because i embarrassed you in national television." venti said as it finally became a bit quiet.

"soo.." venti broke off the silence

"..how much did you pay her?"

"a couple thousand yen.. i paid her whole months rent." i told him.

"wow what a rich man. auntie beidou sure didn't make you frugal!" venti laughed.

"you're so noisy, venti!" xiao irritably said as he threw a pillow over venti's face. "be quiet."

"acK.. you're so mean!"

as i watched venti and xiao talk like children, i put on my headset as i browsed through my phone.

surprisingly a message from mom showed up.

surprisingly a message from mom showed up

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