17 | fall

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| third pov |

"why are you all staring at me?" (first name) flatly asked as she was handing out beverages.

she was carrying a big box filled with juice as she circled around then boy group.

the boys stayed silent but couldn't take their eyes off of her, (first name) sighed loudly and dropped the box to the ground. it made a gigantic thud which caught 4NEMO off guard.

(first name) dusted her shirt and looked at all of them in return. "do you have anything to say to me?"

they all stared at each other with an awkward silence, venti who was dying to speak out finally spat out the words he intended to talk about.

"how old are you..?" venti asked as he gazed right into her eyes. the rest of the boys awaiting for your answer.

"26." (first name) said with no hint of emotion.

"..so you're as old as me?" venti followed up as she nodded.

the boys once again looked at each other as if they were having a telepathic conversation in their heads.

the main thought that entered their heads as soon as (first name) nodded was, 'will she tell us the truth if we ask more?'

"so what major did you take?" aether took a deep breath before he asked,

"i took political science."

"i saw you in my yearbook." aether mentioned with a smile. "you weren't on the bachelor's list though,"

"ah really? is that why you were all staring at me?"

"i thought you didn't take the board exam?" kazuha asked.

within a split second, (first name) sighed and answered, "i lied."

"i'm already a licensed lawyer. jean knows about it." she said as she picked up the box she dropped.

"but i thought you were amber's junior?" venti continued to ask.

"i was taking my criminal law degree when she was graduating her bachelors."

"then.. why did you lie to us?" kazuha asked with a sad face, he couldn't pin point why he was disappointed that you lied, "there was nothing to hide. your achievements were something worth to be broadcasted." kazuha followed, (first name) stared back at him and gave him a smile.

"i never used it. so i didn't think you guys needed to know." she said.

"never used it?" xiao questioned. (first name) hummed and place the box onto a table and said, "i took law because i was a scholar."

"if i bring in technicalities, i told you i didnt take the board. but i did say i took law. so i wasn't fully lying."

"after i graduated, i never accepted jobs revolving around my degree."

"the last job i had was in a cafe."

"oh wait, were you a waitress?" venti asked.

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