7 | third times a charm

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| third pov |

"we have a problem." jean sighed as she called us in for a meeting.

"what happened?" aether asked

"your assistant quit suddenly and moved back to their hometown. i have no idea why they did that, but i can't have you guys go to your next performance without someone assisting you." jean explained

"then let's get a new one." venti said, "we aren't hard to take care of!"

"venti.. you are so hard to take care off." xiao said as he raised a brow.

"you emo liar." venti had his rebuttal as kazuha laughed.

"he called you emo, nooo" kazuha continued laughing.

"stop babbling." jean raised her voice as the group immediately became quiet.

"we don't have much time so i can't hold up a hiring."

"..but i did ask amber to bring in someone later. if she does well, and if you like them. we'll try to hire them immediately." jean said once more as she stood up.

"all of you, please. for the love of the gods above. behave."

"i'll take charge." aether said as jean gave them a smile, "i'll be back later. i'll check on your schedules for awhile."

as soon as jean went out and shut the door, xiao immediately threw a cushion at venti's face.

"who are you calling emo liar." xiao said as he went towards venti

"eek kazu save me!" venti yelled out as he started to run away.

"no. xiao is scary, you're on your own." kazuha smiled as he walked towards aether.

"nooo this is betrayal! aether help!" venti yelled out once more.

"..do you hear anything, kazuha?" aether mouthed

"no i don't." kazuha deadpan replied.

"you traitors!" venti cried as xiao finally caught up with him.

"i was kidding, xiao!"


| (first name) |


"what are you doing here?" you asked as an old friend knocked over your doors.

"thanks for the warm welcome. i'm in heat now." your friend replied.

"no, seriously, what are you doing?" you asked once more.

"i wanted to hang out."

"get out." you sighed

"you're so cold, (first name)! we were college besties!" your friend whined.

"i'm serious. i have a job interview to attend to today. i can't hang out."

"plus. you came unannounced." you said as you eyed her.

"what job interview? you can't go there!" she panicked as she grabbed your arm. "...wait you don't work at the cafe i got you in anymore?"

"no i don't. they had to lay off workers." you told her.

"then good news!" she jumped around while tugging your hand.

"amber stop, you're gonna break me." you told her.

"i'll get you a job!" she said

"i don't trust your judgement." you flat out told her.

"it's a high paying job!"

"suddenly i am all ears."

"okay lay it on me."

"alright!" amber happily smiled at you, "would you like to be an assistant?"

"for what?" you asked her.

"i work at teyvat ent. (first name), and as you are my bestie, i would love to have you work in the same company!" amber loudly told you.

"wait, you're not telling me to be your assistant, right? because i'll decline." you said as you took her hands off your arm.

"no! not mine!" she said as she held onto your arms again.

"seriously? are you a koala or something?" you sighed as amber only chuckled.

"how about being 4NEMO's assistant?"


"hold on, i have to get their manager." amber told you as the both of you were standing by the hallway.

"stay there, okay?" amber told you.

"alright. don't worry." you replied and as soon as you did, amber ran across the hallway to get their manager.

you mouthed the words, "don't worry," but in fact, you were literally feeling cold sweat as soon as amber dragged you inside the company, you repeatedly had to breathe in and out to calm yourself and keep it in control.

you were literally inches away from 4NEMO's door and you could hear light laughter and giggles from them. and out of curiosity you decided to come closer to the door to listen.

"i said i was sorry aaaaa!" you heard a cute voice yell.

"that's what you get for joking around xiao." another one said.

"i think my lungs are gonna combust. you guys are literal idiots."

everything that they were saying made you forget the tensed up emotion you felt, but accidentally, you left out a laugh and suddenly bumped the door.

the room became silent.

all the feelings of anxiety came back as you suddenly heard the door knob click.

you couldn't move an inch but you were so near the door. you closed your eyes preparing for the hit.

and as soon as it opened up, it really did hit you and you fell to the ground.

"oh my gosh, i'm sorry. are you alright?" the man with red streaks in his hair asked you as he extended his hand.

"..i'm alright."


rel: once i update my xiao fic im putting out that discord link so we can all interact aaa. in honor of those joining (pls b friends w me) i will be making small genshin fic contents exclusively for the server :0 see u guys ehe. good night :)

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