18.5 | shoot

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| third pov |

"let's leave our stuff in the van, let's walk around for awhile," (first name) suggested as all four of them nodded,

the place was quite suspicious, it was pretty much deserted as they were walking around,

(first name) looking after every infrastructure in the place, "they seem weak and fragile to the touch," she sighed.

"did they not have budget?" (first name) kept talking to herself as she was examine the island.

"you seem like you have a lot to say," aether mouthed as he walked besides (first name).

"your safety comes first." she said as she gave them a warm smile.

"it's already afternoon, should we rest over that small hut?" kazuha asked (first name) as he pointed over to the right.

"alright," she replied as kazuha, aether, and xiao went ahead of her.

"wait." she said out loud, "where's venti?"

"ah he was just following us?" xiao said but (first name) looked back but he was no where to be found.

"shit, did we lose venti?" xiao suddenly cussed out.

"i'll find him." (first name) said as she sighed, "the three of you stay by that hut. i'll be back with venti." she followed as the three of them nodded.

(first name) hurriedly traced back their steps and walked further away from the three.

"venti?? venti!! where are you?" she loudly called out while walking the island.

she kept calling out a few more times, until a small high pitched voice yelled from further away. she kept following the sound until she found venti sitting on the ground with a wound on his knee.

"what happened?" (first name) ran towards him as she quickly pulls out her handkerchief.

"i- i tripped and when i was getting back up,, you guys were gone from my sight." venti said with a few tears from his eyes.

(first name) wrapped her handkerchief around venti's wound and said, "you wouldn't get this large of a wound if you just tripped,"

"ah.." venti hesitated to talk, (first name) grabbed his fidgeting hands and stared right to his eyes, "tell me." she told him.

"i think someone pushed me.. i was getting behind you guys but i was surprised when i fell.."

(first name)'s eyebrows furrowed from his story but quickly smiled at him to ask, "is it painful?"

"a bit. i can tolerate it to walk to our cabin." he said as he gave her a smile as well.

"well, i need you to hold on tight tho," (first name) mumbled as she stood up.

"huh? what do you mean?" venti questioned her as his eyes widened when (first name) suddenly grabbed him like a sack.

she was carrying him over her shoulder as she said, "i apologize, venti, this is the quickest i can get you back to the hut we were in."

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