23 | amelié

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| (first name) |


what is that noise,' (first name) thought to herself as she groaned in annoyance.

she stood up from lying down and blinked twice before realizing she fell asleep.

"tch, scaramouche that bastard.." you mouthed as you tasted grape like candy on your mouth.

you recalled the purple candy he dropped on your tea claiming it was just sugar.

you had your eyebrows furrowed as you stood up from the bed, it was loud and there were quite a lot of footsteps walking around all at the same time.

you checked your phone to see that it was already dinner time, "fuck, i was out for that long.."

you fixed your hair before going out the room, a savory scent hugged the whole cabin as kazuha greeted you,

"hello, (first name)! did you sleep well?"

putting on a smile, you responded cheerfully, "i did, i'm sorry you had to cook. i wasn't feeling well."

"oh but are you feeling well now?" he asked as he looked as if he was very concerned.

"i am, do not worry too much." you replied as you walked towards the table.

"(first name)!" venti yelled out your name as he gave you a bright smile.

"we're having hotpot! go take a seat already, we're almost done!" he told you as he placed tall glasses of iced tea on the table.

"you guys did very well, i'm proud of you." you praised them as aether and xiao brought out the food to the table.

"let's eat and let's play songs later, (first name). i'd like to unwind after a tiring day," aether told you. you gave him a smile in return and nodded.

as soon as you were all seated, xiao asked to take your bowl as he offered to scoop you some food.

"you're quite generous today," you joked around him.

"i had a beer today while you were asleep, just making up for it." he said as he gave you quite a lot of food.

"bargaining with me already, huh."

"we made drinks too," aether said as pointed to the glass.

'i was supposed to brew tea again.. but i guess this would suffice for today,' you thought to yourself as you took a bite of food.

"this is actually well made, you did really well." you praised them once more as they all smiled at you in reply

for some reason, you couldn't help but stare at the iced tea, seeing them drink it made you wonder what it was.

you took the glass and took a sip towards the beverage.

"..what," you mouthed in shock as you tasted an all too familiar hint of lemon from the iced tea.

"where did you get this?" you asked them as you put down the drink

"huh? there was lemon thingy in a pretty jar by the cabinet, we made iced tea with it."

"what?!" you accidentally raised your voice as you stood up, taking all of their glasses to the sink and frantically dumping out the juice.

"..what's wrong.. di you hate it that much..?" venti asked as he was concerned.

you look at them one by one, examining their facial expressions, "how much did you drink of this?" you raised the empty glass to their faces.

"w-we had one glass earlier before you woke up." venti suddenly stuttered as he was talking back to you.

you tried to remain calm, it was true that you have been slowly poisoning their tea with little amounts of the reactant, but drinking a big glass of it changes a lot of things,

looking at them, they looked scared, confused, and rather sad about your reaction.

"i'm sorry.." you told them

"that (color) container was mine.. it's actually for tea but it expired not long ago so i kept it at the back of the cabinet.."

"i.. i don't want you to get sick.." you told them as their facial expressions looked a bit relieved.

"ah, i thought you were mad at something else.. you were just worried.." kazuha sighed,

"don't worry, our immune system isn't that weak." xiao told you as aether and venti nodded in agreement.

"let's finish eating for now," kazuha told you once more.

you were a bit reluctant to go back to eating, but you still said yes so they wouldn't have any suspicions.

the meal went on fast as you offered to clean up after dinner. they said alright and went to the room after putting the dishes by the sink.

you told them you'll be in soon after cleaning.

you bit your lip while scrubbing the dishes as you eyed on the (color) container that was lying out in the open.

"i need to move fast or that reactant will spread faster than i wanted to.."

as soon as you finished cleaning up, you took your phone and hurriedly walked outside.

dialing scaramouche's number as he picks up almost immediately.

"my, my, you're never one to call in first, may i assist, lady gizem in any way?"

"i need to wrap this up tomorrow." you told him

"you sound quite annoyed," he replied back to you.

"they drank too much of the reactant. i need to round them all up tomorrow. make a scene for me."

"anything for you, darling. i'll be waiting for you tonight, i'll make sure we leave by tomorrow as well."


| third pov |

"(first name) ran out," xiao said as he looked out the window.

"she's talking to someone on the phone," xiao followed his sentence.

"don't pry! let her have her personal life. she's going to come back anyway." kazuha scolded xiao.

"she looked afraid earlier." aether told them.

"rather than being mad at us, she looked like she was genuinely afraid." he says once more.

"of course, she was concerned." xiao answered him.

"no, no, asides from that. humans are all calibered to be concerned. but not to the point where you'll be scared of something such as this measly situation."

"it seems like she was afraid for something to come out, rather than our safety.." aether explained as kazuha furrowed his eyebrows.

"why would someone not concerned over our safety panic so much over spoiled tea? can you stop making a theory over everything." kazuha irritatedly say.

"why are you so mad? i was just explaining what i saw." aether sighed.

"don't tell me you have some feelings for her?" aether asked him as kazuha loudly answers back

"what if i do?"


rel: 23.5 later tonight. it got too long so i cut it in half for the suspense hshshajsk

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