3 | 4nemo

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| kazuha |

"why dont we ask barbara?" venti suggested, "she's great with stalking!"

"venti please. you and your ideas!" aether exclaimed as he face palmed.

"no no let them do this, they're in their best form when they're being idiots." xiao snorted

"you're letting this happen? man! we're supposed to be the responsible ones!" aether said once more

"hey enough!" i finally told them to quit the racket. "let's go talk to barbara."

"hooray!" venti exclaimed, "she's around the 7th floor for practice."

"i swear to god..." aether sighed.

"well what are we waiting for? to the 7th floor!" i said out loud and started marching out the room

"whooo to the 7th floor!" venti cheered along with me.

aether could only sigh but follow along, xiao was quiet as usual when we made our way out.

honestly, i just really need to find out who she is and give her back her ¥3000, that wouldn't be too hard, i think.

also i have her number, so what could
possibly go wrong?

"and where are you boys off to?" a stern voice from behind resonated the halls.

"ah manager jean." xiao greeted her.

"hello, jean." venti said as he smiled at her.

"we're gonna visit barbara." venti followed,

jean raised a brow and asked, "what's your business with my sister?"

"we need to ask her about.. ah! our next collab!" aether covered up our shenanigans.

"i see. well, don't disturb her too much, she's probably exhausted. also. must i remind you?" jean said as she eyed on us.

"don't do anything stupid while im gone." she followed then sighed.

"what stupidity could we possibly do!" venti exaggerated as i tried to hold my laughter.

"a lot." xiao mumbled as he eyed on the me.

"correct." jean replied.

"well it is what it is!" venti smiled at jean.

'honestly, where does he get his energy.' i thought to myself.

"that is why im leaving you in charge, aether. be back before 6 as we'll be discussing your fan meet." jean once again mouther before letting us go.

we walked quietly towards the elevator and until we got on, aether had his arms crossed the whole time.

"okay what is wrong." i asked him as he raised his eyebrow.

"i guess the fall is on me when this ends up being stupid, huh." aether said as xiao jokingly said, "it is what it is."


"barbs!" venti loudly greeted barbara who just finished rehearsals.

"oh hello!" she greeted us back, "to what could i be off assistance to the famous, 4nemo?" she followed as she let us in her practice room.

"we need your expertise, apparently." xiao told barbara

"oh on what?" she asked.

"we need you to find a mystery girl for our dear kazu." venti said and told barbs the whole story.

"wow, your stupidity is topnotch today, kazu!" barbara laughed.

"hey! i didn't mean to forget my wallet, also im gonna pay her back!" i defended myself.

"alright. sooo, you have her number right? can i take a look?" barbara asked, in which i answered of course.

i started to rummage my pockets but i couldn't find the piece of paper. god im suddenly feeling cold sweat drip down my back.

i kept trying to find that small piece of paper but to no luck.. i couldn't find it.

"you look distressed." aether said.

"he's gonna say something stupid. i just know it." xiao mouthed as he stared at me.

"so? spit the words out, kazu! you look like you're about to choke!" venti said.

"don't be mad.." i mumbled.

"here it goes." xiao said as he crossed his arms.

"i dont know where i put her number.."


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