一 | (first name)'s arc

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the story of how (first name) became lady gizem.


26 years ago.


"a daughter?"

"you're telling me she died and just gave birth to a useless daughter!?" a man with (preferred color) hair yelled at the maid who informed him about his wife's passing.

"the duchy already has gizem! how could i compete for the duchy if i don't have a son!" he angrily marches down the halls of the mansion.

"but sir.. will you not see your daughter? she has not been named!" the maid went after him.

he stops in his tracks and shoves the made away to stop her from following him.

"you can kill her for all i care! she will not have any use for the duchy!"

the maid clenched her fist over his unruly attitude. she felt extreme pity towards the little girl with (preferred color) locks, "she's only a year younger than lady gizem.. how could he say that without meeting her."

the maid hurriedly went back to the newborn's room. every time the sun spots the babies skin, she would always happily smile as if she had no worries in the world.

"lady arin would've loved you so much.." the maid gazed over to the child.

"what can i do.. that bastard wouldn't even look your way.." she quietly mumbles.

"should i name you instead?" she said as the newborn laughed at her.

"lady (first name) seems to be a fitting name for you." she subtly laughed as she held the baby in her arms.

"arin would have given you the world.. as her loyal knight.. i shall devote my life for you.." the maid gave the little baby a vow.

the maid who made a promise towards the youngest nevis family member was one of the most feared assassin's in the kingdom assigned to protect lady arin of the nevis duchy from any physical harm.

since their duchy was beginning to fall ever since the death of arin's family, she was forced to marry into the amory duchy's second son, theon amory.

"lady (first name), i am merin, your loyal servant.."

"soon i will give you everything the amory duchy has to offer.." the maid saif once more as she carefully places the child back to her crib.

"i will raise you to survive in this cruel, wretched world."


14 years later


"there's another kid in the duchy?" (first name) asked merin, her maid, as she combs her hair.

merin smiles at her and looks over her palms that were too rough for a kid's touch. "she is your cousin, the daughter of the current duke of the duchy."

(first name) at age 14 has learned etiquette and was considered to be very smart for her age, due to merin teaching her everything she knows, the young lady soon mastered self defense. training has caused her to have calluses from her fingers up to the dorsum of her hands to form rather hard due to being thought archery and basic swordsmanship at a very young age.

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