13 | suspicion

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(a few days before the practice.)

"p-please! spare me! i'll leave.. i'll leave them immediately!" a loud cry was heard repeatedly over an empty room with nothing but boxes.

"i don't really have patience for you.. so either you stick to your words.. or your sorry tongue will end up on the same ground you're bleeding in." a deep voice echoed through the room,

nothing but the cold breeze was heard alongside their loud whimpers.

"i- i promise! n-no mistakes.."


| third pov |

(present. back to last chap.)


"we're finally done!" venti yelled out as he stretched his arms,

"we'll take my car back to the apartment." xiao told jean as she nodded in agreement.

"then i'll head home now. please drive safely." (first name) mouthed as she gave a small bow to the group.

"wait." xiao said as he looked over (first name).

"i'll drive you home." he followed

"that's a good idea, but the car only has 4 seats so i guess one will be left behind until we get (first name) home." aether said as venti raised his hand, "you can just pick me up here again, i need to go see barbara for awhile." venti explained.

"alright, so let's go?" kazuha said as he started walking towards the elevator.

"oh. thank you for offering to take me home. you didn't have to." (first name) told them as she tried catching up with kazuha.

"this is our thanks." xiao mentioned as he gave (first name) a smug smile.


"i'll sit in the back with you," aether mouthed.

(first name) only nodded in response, but kazuha mentioned, "you don't like sitting by the back seat whenever we drive home."

"i just want to accompany her." aether said with a smile, "find, but we can't switch seats once we get venti back." kazuha said as he sat beside xiao.

"alright. well tuck in," xiao said as he started the car engines,

"so (first name), where to?" xiao followed as he looked back to their assistant's direction.

"you really just have to go straight ahead. i'll tell you when to stop." (first name) explained with her voice slightly colder than earlier.

xiao slowly started to drive and asked no more questions after what (first name) said. the ride was getting quite eerie, so aether decided to break off the silence.

"so miss attorney. when did you take your board exam?" aether casually asks as he recalled the conversation the five of you had back in the van.

"i took it around—" kazuha cut (first name) off from talking

"wait, i wasn't quite myself earlier back when we were in the van.. but.. didn't you tell me you didn't take the board exam?" kazuha questioned her,

it was quite unnoticed but her eyes dilated from the question kazuha mentioned, (first name) quickly shifted her statement to, "i took a pre test for the board exams. i didn't really take the official one."

"i see." aether eyed on her.

"i won't leave. not now, definitely." (first name) suddenly responded and stared back towards the blond.

"that's great news.. you're quite reliable."

| aether |


s soon as kazuha mentioned that she never took the board exam, i took a hard look towards (first name)'s reaction.

her eyes dilated quickly but she overtook the shock immediately..

she was lying.

"i see." i said as i openly stared at her.

the next thing she did was quite alarming,

she answered the question i asked when we took off the van..

"that's great news.. you're quite reliable." i said as i gave her a warm smile.

"isn't that your apartment..?" kazuha mentioned as the car passed through an apartment building.

"really?" xiao said as he slowly pulled the brakes, "is it really that one?" xiao asked once more.

"yeah." was her only response.

"kazuha seems to know his way around." she followed and laughed.

"uhh.." kazuha silently muttered.

"i'll get off here."

"i can make a u-turn, i'll drop you off directly." xiao suggested


"this is fine. i'll get off here." (first name)'s usual voice returned.

she silently took off her seatbelt and opened the car door, she went out without saying anything else.

xiao opened the window to ask, "are you heading some place other than your apartment?"

"ah no." (first name) smiled. "have a safe drive home."

"..we will." xiao replied as we started driving back to teyvat ent.


"kazuha." i mouthed as i closed my eyes to reassess.

"i swear i didn't stalk her." kazuha quickly defended himself.

"i just paid for her rent the other week and we passed by the apartment and i felt like she didn't notice so i had to say something.."

"no, i wasn't gonna ask about that."

"then what?" kazuha asked once more.

xiao sighed loudly, "aether we get you're the psychology major here. but cut the dense clues."

"there are no dense clues." i simply told them

"she just feels off."

"she's tired. we don't know her well so maybe she's just overwhelmed on how us media baits move around." xiao defended her.

"..yeah.. maybe that's it."


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