12 | questions

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| (first name) |

"that was a great take, well done for today!" the music director praised the boys.

aether hurriedly went out the recording room to personally thank the music director and gave a small bow.

"thank you for your hard work." he says once more as the other members followed.

"alright, we'll pack up now. you guys go ahead and take a rest!" the director happily told them as they all smiled in return.

you could only look at them giving their best even if it was just practice, you've noticed venti had the biggest mood shifts all throughout their session. you could feel every word he sang as if it was his own pain. but immediately after he stops singing, he returns back into his hyper self.

you hurriedly went towards them to give them some water. "great job. you can all rest inside the van."

"you were looking at me the most, right, (first name)?" venti cheerily asked you.

"of course. you were the best." you said and gave him a thumbs up.

"ehe i knew it!" he said once more as xiao sighed, "how do you have so much energy?"

"he's actually just sucking the life out of all of us during band practice. that's why he's the only energetic one." kazuha jested

"kazuha's on to something." aether said as he put his hand on his chin.

"they're bullying me, (first name)!" venti whined as he clung to your arm.

you made a small gasp as you felt your ears heat up as venti kept clinging onto you.

"she's uncomfortable," xiao mouthed as he pulled venti away from you, you stuttered the words, "no it's alright, i was just surprised."

"oh i'm sorry." venti said while pouting,

"no, no!" you immediately said as you flailed your arms in a 'no' motion.

"anyways, since we'll be working together, we'd love to know more about you." aether said as he opened the doors of the recording hall.

"oh of course, ask anything you'd like."


as soon as all of you were inside the van, the driver said you needed to head back to the company first to meet up with jean,

"but it's late, do they really need to go back?"

"its jean's orders, i would like to send them home too if i were in charge," he said as he started to drive,

you look at the boys from the back all comfy in their seat, "hey, we have to go back to teyvat ent. first, so you guys can sleep for awhile. i'll wake you up." you told them as you immediately see venti shake his head,

"no! we're gonna ask you questions, remember?" he said while acting cute.

'he really didn't need to act to look cute' you thought to yourself and gave a mental sigh,

"alright, then ask away."

"you know amber!" venti said cheerfully.

"we went to the same college. we also had the same organization."

"oh! i'm glad she recommended you to be our assistant!" venti exclaimed.

"i am flattered."

"oh, (first name) you said you did law." aether mouthed with a smile

"yes i did."

"then.. are you still studying?" he followed,

"i'm a law graduate. i majored in criminal law and i minored violin." you told them

"you can play the violin? woah!" venti exclaimed.

"then.. were you a legal advisor in your old job?" kazuha asked you curiously.

"ah no. i was in a security team for a small cafe."

"you were a what." kazuha asked in disbelief

"i was in a security team. i took self defense when i was younger and was professionally trained when i got older."

"that's how you caught the egg.." xiao mumbled,

"that reminds me," kazuha said as he stood from his seat,

"hey sit down!" you worriedly told him as he was inching towards you, "stay still,"

"let me see your hand." he said

"its alright now.." you suddenly begin to shy up, "you don't have to make a fuss about it."

"but i'm worried." he said as he stared at you, feeling guilty, you slowly put out your bandaged hand.

kazuha had a look you couldn't put a definite description to, was he mad? sad? worried?

"i feel bad," he said as he suddenly took your hand.

his warm palms pressing against yours,

"we'll make it up to you." he said as he gave out a sigh.

you caught xiao staring as well with a worried look, but all you could do was look back at them

"this is no biggie. don't feel bad about this." you told them as you gave them a smile,

"and kazuha, please go back to your seat." you said as he hesitated to let go of your injured hand, ".. alright."

"wait i have a few more questions," aether mouthed


"have you taken the board exam for law?"

"i have."

"did you pass?" he asked you once more

"the results will come out in half a year," you answered directly.

"then.." aether paused for a second before continuing his next sentence,

"will you leave us if you pass?"

"oh uh—" you got caught off by the driver as he said, "we're here."

"oh, wait, i'll open the door!" you suddenly changed the subject as you hurriedly went down the van.

wondering why they were asking such serious questions, you opened their door with a smile.

"thank you!" venti said as he skipped down the steps, while kazuha and xiao followed along.

the last one to leave was aether, and when he finally stepped out, he gave you a smile.

"you don't have to answer that," aether suddenly mouthed as he urged you to walk with him.

"oh.. alright."


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