8 | assistant

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| kazuha |

"i said i was sorry aaaaa!" venti yelled as xiao was pinching his face.

"that's what you get for joking around xiao." aether said as i couldn't contain my laughter.

"i think my lungs are gonna combust. you guys are literal idiots." i said, "oh shut up kazu, you aren't any different." xiao mentioned, still pinching venti.

"let go of meee." venti pleaded


"stop it." aether sighed as we suddenly heard a faint laugh from outside our door.

"..stalker??" venti asked as xiao let go of his face.

"maybe someone just passed by." aether told us, not until a loud thud was heard from the door.

"we should check that.." aether told me, "kazu, the door."

"why is it always me?" i asked them

"you're less intimidating than xiao, less friendly than venti," aether explained

"why are you not in the options?" i asked and raised a brow

"just because." he smiled. cheeky bastard.

i sighed before opening up the door, but surprisingly, it didn't push all the way through, so when i opened it up fully, a person fell down.

oh my god.

i can't afford a lawsuit. my moms will kill me.

"..oh my gosh.. i'm sorry. are you alright?" i asked as i extended my hand.

she looked at me in awe and mouthed, "..i'm alright" as if she was dazed.

"(first name)! what happened!" a loud brunette in red yelled out as she ran towards the girl.

'(first name)? ah sounds familiar.' i thought to myself

"dear, are you alright?" jean suddenly showed up as the girl immediately stood up.

"ah yes, i'm fine."

"ah anyways, jean, this is (first name). my recruit!" the brunette said.

"i'll interrogate you much later. for now, would you like to meet the boys?" jean asked her

and i just stood there

as if i was invisible

"what do you mean?" i asked them.

"oh kazuha," jean flatly say

"get inside. all of you." she followed, and so i did what she told us.

"kazuuu who was—" venti stopped mid sentence, "..at the door."

"ah hello." the lady with (hair color) locks bowed infront of us.

"i'm (full name), i'll be your assistant for the next three days."

"unless you get hired full time!" the brunette said

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