11 | crux&qixing

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"why were you with him?" kazuha asked you as his eyes trailed off childe's steps.

"i got lost." you simply told him as he said, "didn't i tell you where to go?"

kazuha eyed on your bandaged hand and quietly let out a sigh.

"i forgot. i was pre occupied with your looks." you said straight to his face and walked inside the recording room, leaving him by the door, somehow with red ears.

"(first name)!" venti jumped infront of you, "what happened?" he followed with a question.

"we saw you with childe.. do you know each other?" aether suddenly asked as xiao gave a glance at your direction, but was still tuning his guitar.

"i had to stop by the clinic." you explained.

"i got lost on the way to your recording hall, and i bumped into him. he walked me here." you continued.

"clinic?" xiao suddenly turned to your direction, putting down his guitar, and suddenly walking towards you- "did you get hurt?" he asked in a soft tone.

"it was just a small cut. no need to worry about it." you replied as you gave him a smile.

"oh no. we apologize, (first name)." aether suddenly said as he forced xiao to bow infront of you.

"o-oh, don't worry. this is apart of my job. i have to protect you guys."

"yeah but that doesn't mean that you should get hurt within the process." kazuha scolded you.

"thank you for your concern, i promise not to get hurt again accidentally." you told them and gave them a smile.

venti gently tugged your arm and said, "you know what would make you feel 100x better?"

you gave him a confused look, but he was only smiling cheekily, "an apple!"

"i have one in my bag, you can have it." he said once more as he started scavenged his tiny bag.

"here," venti handed you a pack of sliced apples, "i hope they make you feel better as much as they make me," he followed with a chuckle.

"thank you." was all you could reply but you felt your cheeks heat up from their hospitality.

a few moments ago you were hanging on from being broke, the next thing you knew is that you're an assistant of a rising band.

it really proves that life can change within a matter of seconds.

"(first name), i'll repay you for your hard work.. and the protection.." xiao shyly mumbled, looking away from you.

"it's my job." you once again reassured him. "it's my duty to protect you."

there was quite a silence after your last sentence, but you decided to break it off by telling them,

"you guys performed great!"

"i love your voices, and the way you all hold instruments."

"you'll definitely hear us play more then," kazuha gently smiled at you,

venti kept jumping around after their practice and then asked with a really loud voice,"alright, but back to my question!"

"are you friends with ajax?"

"who's ajax?" you asked all of them cluelessly.

"the walking carrot." xiao snorted.

'oh' you thought to yourself, wondering why they called childe, ajax.

"you guys besties or something, huh, barbie toes?" aether jested at venti

"HEY!" venti reacted, but in order to stop more chaos, you simply answered,

"he said he owned this recording hall."

"and that he knows where you guys were. so i followed him."

the room was awfully silent after your remark, kazuha sighed and said,
"don't get too close with him."

"i agree. that bastard keeps hitting on my sister." aether said with a slightly pissed off tone.

"oh.. then.. does he really own this.. uh recording hall..?" you embarrassedly questioned.

"he's a shareholder." kazuha told you.

"my family owns this recording hall."

"and you're from what family?" you suddenly asked him as the white van you all rode came flashing to your memories as it looked overly familiar.

"kazuha's a rich boy, his parents owns the crux and qixing corp." xiao explained.

as soon as xiao mentioned the company, an array of flashbacks from your land lady occured in your head.

"ms. (last name), i didn't know your boyfriend was affiliated with the crux & qixing corp! you caught a big fish!"

"alright! back to practice, venti, let's try to expand your range on the last few notes, alright?" the music director suddenly called out to them, as they quickly went inside the recording room.

you could only stare at them. especially kazuha.

'the son of one of the most powerful corporations in teyvat..'


rel: join our discord server :0

also. no vyn slander. he is my precious baby hsjsjsjs


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