15 | violin

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| kazuha |

it has been a week since we had (first name) as our assistant, she officially got accepted after jean said she was doing a fantastic job keeping up with us. so far she wasn't as weird as what the three of them proclaimed when we took her home.

i couldn't help but stare at her as she was flipping through her small notebook, soon enough our eyes both met, it surely caught me off guard, but she just stared at me as well. not looking away.

"is anything wrong?" she suddenly asked as she closed the small notebook that she was fiddling with.

"ah nothing. sorry. i was staring off into empty space." i explained but it looks like she didn't buy it.

"come here." she mouthed as she urged me to come sit next to her.

i can't believe she was giving me orders, but i still followed her.

i sat next to her as she completely put down her notebook.

"you seem tired." she said,

"ah no-" she cut me off with a, "sit still."

"..yes ma'am."

i sat as still as a log as soon as she ordered me so, "..not that stiff." she let out a light chuckle.

right.. how could (first name) ever be suspicious. it was just all in their head.

i loosen my shoulders as she suddenly tightened the gap between us.

"aether and xiao's shoot will take a while, take a nap. you can lean on my shoulders so its a little bit comfortable." she said as i heard her pick up her small notebook again.


"just for awhile." i said as i rested my head against her shoulders.

"are you not uncomfortable?" i asked her

"i can body slam a fully grown man to the ground with no sweat, having your light as a feather physique won't strain me." she calmly answers as i finally decided to just shut up.

"..o-okay i'll rest for awhile then."


"kazuha, your shoot is next." i hear a warm voice calling me,

i slowly opened my eyes and didn't realize i completely fell asleep on (first name)'s shoulders.

i quickly jotted away and stood up. "ah, i'm sorry."

"no need to apologize, the others are outside, you should follow us out once you get your hair re-styled." (first name) said as she stood up from the couch as well.

"well don't just stand there." she said once more

"ah, yes. sorry." i quickly say as i ran towards the stylist.

i quickly sat down infront of the mirror and i saw her walking out the room in a jiffy. the stylist brush and teased parts of my hair in a flash, and before i knew it, they said i was good to go.

"we didn't need to fix anything major, you're good to go now." they said as i thanked them before i left.

i walked out the room to hear someone humming out loud.

i continued to walk towards the sound and saw all four of them together.

'(first name) could play the piano?' was the first thought that circled through my head.

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