24 | epilogue

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| kazuha |

huh.. what's happening.. why can't i move..?

"i will say this again for the last time,"

that must've been (first name).. where are we again?

there's smoke coming out of the gate.. aether.. venti.. xiao.. why are you all unconscious?

"i need you alive. so you will stay alive."

(first name).. i tried to say her name out loud but i just couldn't. as if i was paralyzed to a certain state where i can only stare at her.

"..good thing i was right on time.." she said as she pulled the other three closer to me

"it's such a shame.."

"this is the first time i've ever regret something i did.. at least the first in the past 26 years.."

she kept talking as if she expected everything that went down just according to plan.

her back facing us with a dagger sticking out of her skin.

the limitations of what i'm bounded with right now was terrifying..

but at that very moment as well, (first name) began to humm the first ever song i've heard from her.

a subtle painful.. yet comforting melody..

her voice was getting shaky, it must've been from the smoke..

my eyes can't hold on any longer.. will i end up like the others too?

it didn't take that long before my eyes were completely shut down, my hearing is getting all numbed out as well..

do i hear fighting..? is (first name) alright?

"this is finally.. good bye.."

..good bye..? what do you mean..

there was nothing but loud thuds and screams after that farewell.

this must all be a bad dream..

| third pov |

"we found them!" military men, police, medical workers and even reporters all infiltrated the burning warehouse,

"all unconscious from the site, prepare 4 stretchers!"

"sir, we found the kidnapper!"

"take 4NEMO out, they are our top priority!"

"yes, sir!"

"this just in, 4NEMO who has been speculated for being abducted by the director's of survival isle has been found inside a burning building! this might just be the biggest kidnapping incident of stellis for the past decade!"

"everyone move out! the building might collapse!"

one by one the men of the crux and qixing finally carried out each member out of the burning warehouse, loud piercing sounds of firetrucks and police cards were raided all over the place,

"sir, we found the assistant director unconscious over here!"

"where's their assistant?"

"we couldn't find her, sir!"

"wait, sir! there's a burned body by the corner of the gate,"

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