10 | practice

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| (first name) |

"there you go, it's not that deep of a cut so it'll heal quickly." the doctor said as he gave you warm smile.

"thanks, doctor vyn. i'll go now." you said as you pat down your pants and made your way out the door. "take care." was the last thing you heard before you waved your final good bye.

you stopped walking for awhile when you were a few steps away from the escalator.

"what did kazuha say again.." you said as you tried your best to remember.

"ugh.. the second floor.. right?? no left.. no wait.." you debated with yourself as you ruffled your hair.

"i got too carried away with his good looks to not remember which part of the floor i needed to go to.. i hate pretty boys." you ranted to yourself as you gave out a loud sigh.

"that hurt my feelings, miss!" somebody crept from behind you.

you turned around to see who it was, his black leather jacket and white tee were the first things you noticed before actually looking at his face.

"my eyes are up here." he snickered at you and beamed a smile.

you take a good look at him as his ginger hair and bright blue eyes greet you.

he wasn't lying when he hinted he was a pretty boy.

"..do you need anything?" you asked him as he was still giving you a bright smile.

"you seem lost." he said

"i am." you replied

"..hm.. don't you know me?" he suddenly popped a question

"do i have to?" you answer back.

"really? i'm not familiar to you? i'm on tv a lot though, oh also on sns." he kept explaining to you as you gave him a blank look.

you really didn't know.

"i don't watch tv. i have no social media handles." you flatly answer as he blinked a few times in disbelief.

"oh." was all that escaped his mouth.

"i have to get going now." you told him as you slightly gave a bow,

"wait! didn't you say you were lost?" he once again said,

"this recording hall is quite big. do you know where to go?" he kept asking.

"no. but i'll find it." you answered him,

"wait hold up!" he said once more.

you finally had it. you gave him a glare and said, "what?"

"i can accompany you. are you a singer?" he asked once more.

"no. i need to find 4NEM0's practice hall." you told him as his bright expression slightly fades.

"ah them. i know what room they are. mind if i accompany you there?" he asked as you gave him a small nod. first day of the job and you were already lost im some big avenue.

"anyways, i'm childe." he said as he walked towards the escalator and urged you to follow.

you silently walked behind him and introduced yourself as well, "i'm (first name),"

"never heard your name before, are you recording a pre debut work with 4NEM0?" he asked once more.

"i can't give out personal information about my job. but i am not a performer." you told him.

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