2 | awkward

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| kazuha |

"uh.. im sorry but, can i borrow money?"

"okay so let me get this straight.. you went in my cab.. with no money.. and now you're asking me to pay your fare?" she said quite bluntly.

it was so embarrassing but i could only nod to what she said.

i heard her sigh quite loudly. "fine. i'll pay."

"i'll pay you back!" i told her as she could only raise her brow.

"sure sure." she replied sounding sarcastic as she reached over to her purse to grab money.

"here you go, sir. we'll go down from here." she said as she opened the door as soon as she gave the money.

"wait, you're going down here too?" i asked as i went out of the car as well.

"the bus station here goes directly to my boarding house. paying for cab fare twice is practically asking my wallet to commit death." she explained.

"oh.. i apologize.. i really did forget my wallet."

"sure you did." she said as she gave a slight bow, "well ill be on my way now." she followed.

"wait! c-can you wait for awhile, the people i'm meeting up with will come soon.. i could pay you by then."

"i would love to sit and wait but i have other things to do, sir." she replied, "you can have my number if ever you'd decide to pay me back, though."

"..oh alright." i said without thinking it through.

"great, let me write it down for you." she mouthed as she took a small notepad from her purse and started to scribble.


"don't forget me." she said as she forcefully took my hand and placed the small piece of paper. 

"i wont." i tried to reassure her.

"aight. im off. lets see if our paths cross by again someday." she spoke so fast and waved her hand but i was just left there in awe.

i stared at the piece of paper she handed me, it literally only had her number.

i didn't even get a chance to ask her name..

ugh whatever. first i need to go back to the studio.. then i need to— "there he is!" i heard a familiar high pitched voice that interrupted my train of thought.

i turned around to see the boys towards my direction

"you don't have to yell, venti." xiao said as he sighed, "im not yelling, i just have a loud voice, ehe." venti tried defending himself.

"yo, kazu!" aether waved


"how did you pay your fare?" he asked and raised a brow at me

"did you give away your identity for a free ride?" venti asked

"maybe he made some chick pay for his fare." aether said in a rather joking tone.

"yeah." i plainly said.

"haha good one, kazu— wait.. you didn't really do that, right?" aether anxiously laughed.

i slowly showed them the small piece of paper i was holding and said, "i owe ¥3000 to this lady that gave me her number.."

"kazuha, you dumbass. jean's gonna k word you." xiao said as he took the small piece of paper from me

"i know!" i told them as i snatched the paper from his hand and put it in my pocket.

"so whats her name?" venti asked


"i dont know."

and that was the last straw. everyone became dead pan silent.

"we knew you were a dumbass.. but we didn't know.. you were THIS kind of dumbass." aether said his face was clearly full of judgment.

"ill figure this out! don't worry. she didnt even know who i was." i told them.

"and how are you gonna find her, huh, genius?" xiao asked

"ooh maybe hire an investigator and stalk her!" venti suggested

"venti no what the fu—" i cut aether off and said, "great idea, venti."


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