19 | merry go round

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| kazuha |

"(first name) is taking her time," xiao said with his arms crossed.

"should we look for her?" aether asked.

"she said to not go out. so let's not. go. out." venti said as he put emphasis on the last three words.

"the sun is setting though, i'm worried." i said as i looked out the window.

"then should at least one of us look for her?" xiao asked.

"venti's out. he's crippled," xiao jested,

"hey! this is just a wound!" venti whined.

"so its just me, aether, and xiao," i said, "so how do we choose?"

"the usual," aether said as xiao and i took our stance,

"okay go!" aether yelled out so the three of us immediately drew rock, paper, scissors.

"kazuha lost." xiao said as i stare at both their hands with scissors over paper.

somehow it wasn't that bad to be the one to go out and look for her.

"fine, i'll be back quickly." i told them as i grabbed my shoes.

"don't get lost!" aether yelled as i was on my way to the door.

"got it." i yelled back as i went out to look for (first name).

the orangey hues from the sky as the sun was slowly creeping to set, illuminated the entire island.

i kept walking around to see if i can catch a glimpse of her in each place i walked into.

though i didn't find her.

i gave a deep sigh and said, "haaa, where are you?"

i kept looking around until i finally saw the assistant director walking towards me,

"kazuha!" he greeted me as i bowed my head for formality. he was looking pretty anxious when our eyes met.

"do you need anything from me?" i asked him.

"ah, i'm looking for the director, have you seen him?" he asked,

"no, i haven't. i'm looking for our assistant too." i told him.

"..what?" he suddenly said with his eyes widened. he looked as if he saw a ghost.

"are you alright?" i asked him as i offered my hand.

"ah yes, yes, i'm alright." he said but he struggled to form words.

"i.. i have to look for the director.." he said trying to walk away as quickly as possible.

"kazuha!" i suddenly heard a familiar cheery voice

"(first name)!" i yelled back, as soon as i was walking towards her, i looked back to see the assistant director looking at us.

"is there anything i could help you with?" (first name) happily asked as i think she noticed that he was heavily staring at her.

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