6 | dinner

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| third pov |

"kazu, sweetheart!" the loud brunette's voice filled the living room as she greeted her son, kazuha.

"you're here early," the blonde one mentioned as she walked towards kazuha for a hug.

"hello moms." kazuha greeted them back as the brunette joined the hug.

they were kazuha's parents, beidou and ningguang.

as they separated from the hug, ningguang suggested, "dinner's almost ready, shall we all head to the dining room?"

"make sure to eat a lot today, kazuha." beidou sighed as she faced her son, "you're getting thinner each visit! what is teyvat ent. doing to you!" the mothers exaggerated as kazuha only chuckled.

"i have to look good for the fans, mom." kazuha smiled as he made his way to his seat.

"with ning and i's genes, you're already flawless!" beidou said as all of them were laughing inside the dining hall.

"so, i saw you on tv yesterday." ningguang said as they were all seated by the table.

"..yes, did i look okay?" kazuha asked them

"why didn't you tell us you owed someone money? we could've given them a cheque." ningguang explained.

"you don't have to worry about that though, i accidentally met them again yesterday. like it was fate."

"i did spend a lot, unfortunately. i apologize for it." the young male explained as he took a bite of food.

"ah yes beidou explained that yesterday. money is no issue to us, sweetheart. don't forget that." the blonde one stated as she also ate her food.

"exactly! the crux and the qixing corp are working hard to give you the best life your mom and i could offer." beidou told him as kazuha just laughed,

"i know, i know."

"are we ever gonna meet that savior of yours?" beidou asked her son.

"oh, i don't think so." kazuha answered

"why not?" ningguang followed

"its because"

"i don't know her."

both females were confused as they looked at each other with a dazed expression,

"you gave a stranger ¥xx,xxx?" ningguang asked in concern.

"..she's not really a stranger.. she told me her name.. uh its (first name) if i remember correctly."

"i just don't have the means to find her again since i lost her contact number."

"i see." ningguang somehow looked relieved after his explanation.

"sweetheart, the crux fleet can find her for you." beidou suggested as ningguang gave a nod.

"mom wait no-"


| (first name) |


"i still can't get over the fact that someone paid for my rent.." you mumbled to yourself

it was already the day after that incident, but somehow you couldn't stop thinking about it

you were relieved and somehow scared about the thought that a literal nameless stranger paid a large amount of money for you- with just one scan of their phone.

"fuck. he might be a stalker.."

"or worse.. someone from the mafia.." you kept mumbling to yourself but suddenly laughed loudly by the idea of it.

"me? have a stalker? or get followed by the mafia? haaa that was a good joke to tell myself."

"..wait, since they paid digitally.. i could ask my landlord the account number.."

"ugh! i hate thinking too hard!" you frustratedly yell out as you took your coat and march right out your apartment to go ask your landlord about the situation.

to your luck, you saw your landlord doing rounds just outside your apartment, and it didn't even take some time before they saw you, they gave a wave to your direction, which you found totally weird because your landlord disliked you for the sole reason of-

a) you could never pay rent on time

you watched her walked towards your direction as she gave you a huge smile.

'what the hell.' you thought to yourself as you were totally confused of what was happening

"do you need anything, mrs. fujioka?" you asked nicely

"ms. (last name), i didn't know your boyfriend was affiliated with the crux & qixing corp! you caught a big fish!" she laughed loudly,

"you know what, i'll take 10% off on next months rent for you. you have a good night!" the landlord said once more before marching down the halls further away from you- she literally left you dumbfounded as you couldn't even speak after what she said.

"no way.." you mumbled as you quickly took out your phone to search 'crux and qixing', as soon as you saw the results, your jaw dropped in awe from the information you just read.

"no fucking way?"


rel: beigguang supremacy

edit: ok so some of u have been asking, why the hell do i update at ungodly hours— it's because i have hospital work xjsjsj i update on my free time, which is 3am-5am usually. also besties, would u like to join a disc server w me? lets interact more so do hmu here if y'all are down 😩

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