14 | wary

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| third pov |

"good job." a deep voice said on the other line,

"you left quicker than i expected."

"p-please.. i already left.. don't contact me anymore.."

"did i give you permission to request something so foolish?" their words felt like they could cut as their shoes clicked on the floor they walked in.

nothing but whimpers were heard on the other line,"watch your back." they said as they shut the call and threw the phone on the cold cement.

"we're going to have so much fun." they said while letting out a manic laugh as their shoes no longer clicked against the mezzanine.

| kazuha |

"..yeah.. maybe that's it."

"xiao! keep your eyes on the road!" i suddenly yelled as i grabbed the stirring wheel as he almost let go.

"what happened?" aether asked in a panicked tone.

"n-nothing." xiao hesitated to speak but it was clear that he looked back at something.

"should i drive?" i asked him as my hands were still navigating the wheel.

"no, i got it. thanks." was xiao's only response as he held onto the wheel again.

i took my hand away and aether was visibly shaken by what happened.

"you almost got us into an accident, xiao." aether tried to calm himself down.

"i'm sorry! i'll explain later!" xiao gritted his teeth as he drove back much faster.


"venti, we're here. you should come down now." aether spoke on the phone but quickly ended it as soon as he heard venti's reply.

"mind explaining what happened?" aether said as he got out from the back seat.

"move." aether told me as he was standing outside the door of the front seat.

"ha. see, now you wanna sit here." i commented but complied anyways, he made his way to the front and i jumped to the back seat.

"there you are!" venti's loud voice echoed through the parking lot.

"so, did she get home safe?" venti asked once more as he got in the backseat with me.

"yeah, she seemed tired though." i commented as i rested my head over the window.

"let's go then." xiao said but aether slapped his hand from the lever.

"are we in trouble?" venti asked as he was clueless

"xiao is," i whispered to him

"do tell." venti whispered back

"we can hear you both at the back well. xiao almost got us into an accident earlier." aether said in a cold tone.

"are you going to tell us or are you too busy tying your tongue?" aether said once more as xiao suddenly slammed the wheel.

"fuck, can you shut up for awhile? i'm trying to process what happened!" xiao yelled as he glared at aether,

"..hey why don't we all calm down." i told them as venti was surprised, xiao doesn't normally yell.

"who is this about?" venti asked but none of us could answer.

"is it perhaps, (first name)?" he followed up.

"why would it be her?" i asked venti.

"she was kinda weird earlier.. you know? after talking with jean she kinda felt off."

"off? in what sense?" aether asked.

"aether told us that too." i told him.

"she seems dazed.. not particularly distracted, but i guess wary?" venti commented,

"did you guys drop her off to her apartment?" he followed with a question.

"no, we missed her apartment by a few blocks and we dropped her off near the sidewalk." i told him.

"yeah and when we were driving off she wasn't moving from the road." xiao finally spoke.

"what do you mean?" aether asked.

"i thought it was just something you said." xiao stressed out.

"but when i looked at the mirror to see if she went home."

"she never did."

"what?" i questioned him.

"i saw her walking towards the car.."

"and to my surprise, i accidentally let go of the wheel."

"when kazuha got a hold of it, i looked back once more but it looked like she was never there."


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