The Time

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"Did you manage it?" Hobi asked, looking at Jin curiously. Jin had previously gone out to talk to Taehyung about figuring out a time that they could test Jungkook, and to see just how much influence it was that Taehyung had over Jungkook, although the last part had been left out of the discussions. For good reason, they did not want Taehyung knowing that they were testing Jungkook and Taehyung both at the same time. Taehyung would never agree to something like that and they were not stupid enough to test the younger one. Taehyung was extremely dangerous and volatile, and especially so when pressed. The fact that he has a literal guardian demon definitely did not make things better.

"Yeah," Jin said, a small smile curling on his lips. "I did. It was not as hard as I had thought it would be. Jimin was correct. Taehyung is just as curious as we are about Jungkook's abilities. We should have talked with Jimin in the first place." Jin sighed, a part of him felt rather guilty. They had not only not spoken with Jimin on the thoughts they had begun to have against Jungkook, but they had pretended as though Jimin would not know more than anyone else. Of everyone, Jimin was the closest with Taehyung. If anyone would be able to figure out a solution to test Jungkook, or to test Taehyung, it would be Jimin. They other had also been getting rather close to Jungkook as well, but if what they believed was correct, that would likely be because he was extremely close to Taehyung. Jungkook seemed to take Taehyung as ultimate decider in most things.

Then again, that was only their speculation, which they would know more about when the time came and they tested Jungkook, for now they would have to content themselves with their suspicions. Granted, their theories did hold quite a bit of weight given what they knew about Taehyung, and given what they had seen among the two. It was interesting fact that Jungkook seemed to have a larger insight to what was going on in the school though. Considering the boy had just recently entered, one would think that he would be more ignorant to a lot of things. It was likely that he had simply observed some of those things, and it was also possible that Taehyung had informed him. What or how much Taehyung told Jungkook, they did not know. It was that thought that made Jin angsy just a little bit.

"Jin, Jin! Jin Hyung!" Jin jolted from his thoughts as his eyes turned to swivel back towards Hobi, who was staring at him with worry. "Are you okay?" Hobi asked softly. "You sort of phased out there for a moment." Jin gave Hobi a slightly strained smile.

"I am okay, I was just thinking...Taehyung and Jungkook are really close, abnormally so. We all know that Taehyung forms attachments quickly with certain people. I just wonder...what exactly makes Jungkook so different. After all, the other boy barely interacted with Taehyung, and until he fought those two students that were messing with the Dreamie kids, Jungkook never really caught Taehyung's eye." Hobi stared at Jin, somewhat confused.

"Well, it could be something similar to how quickly he took to Jimin. Look at them now. The two are practically attached to the hip and barely go anywhere without the other."

"That is...before Jungkook came around." Hobi furrowed his brows, thinking back on the recent weeks, and was startled to find out that Jin was correct. It had only been a few weeks, but Jungkook had failed to leave Taehyung's side for but a few moments outside of their regular scheduled classes. Barring that and the time that he was with the Dream members, he was practically a ghost that haunted Taehyung. Unable to go anywhere that Taehyung does not. It was somewhat weird but when he really thought about it, Jimin had been hanging out with them more often lately. Usually him and Taehyung would go on random outings and cause a bit of mischief about the school, but they had not been doing that lately. It would seem that Jungkook was becoming something more than even Jimin.

"Okay, you may have point there, but that just means that Taehyung saw something in Jungkook, and continues to see something in Jungkook, that he does not really see in Jimin. What that is, we may never know unless Taehyung decides that he wants to share it with us."

"It is not just that, but think about it. Taehyung almost started a war with NCT because Jungkook was upset. We need to be careful. If we had not gotten Taehyung's go to on this plan of Jimin's, who knows what would have happened. We all know Taehyung has a habit of going off on his own sometimes, without letting us know what he is doing. He can also be somewhat impulsive. We should be more careful. Tread very carefully on this. Jimin had a good idea, but I also don't want to end up beneath the pavement."

"Taehyung would not let Jungkook go that far." Hobi insisted, Jin's words shocking a laugh out of him.

"I know he would not, but we still do not know exactly how much leeway he has with Jungkook. Considerable, yes, but how much is still to be debated. Worst comes to worst, one of us could get severely hurt. Jungkook seems to go into these black out rages. Similar to how Taehyung does sometimes and we have seen the sort of destruction that Taehyung can reap if he truly wants to." Hobi bit his lower lip, having to concede to that point.

"I know that you have been sketched out with Jungkook from the beginning, but what exactly is freaking you out so much Jin?" Hobi asked gently, staring up at the eldest of the group. Jin shook his head softly.

"I am just worried. Jungkook's loyalty is not with us. it is with Taehyung. Jimin's loyalty is also with Taehyung, despite how much he truly cares for us." Hobi grit his teeth.

"You are worried the group could split." He stated, it was a fact. Not a question. Jin just looked at Hobi with glittering eyes, saying nothing.

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