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"Why did you decide that you wanted TXT to succeed you rather than one of the other younger groups?" Jungkook asked, deciding to ask a more simple question, thinking that anything more was going to become rather...difficult for them. Furthermore he did not want to accidentally cause contention between the two, he did not so much care about the tension that was still very much noticeable between them and the Hyungs, but he would prefer not to have his two closest allies fighting each other because he mentioned something wrong, so this was the best choice in the end. "After all you also have the Stray Kids and Ateez groups, so why did you choose TXT over all the others?" 

"Easy, they were a lot like us!" Taehyung said with a shrug. Jungkook stared at him with a disappointed look in his eyes. He knew that there was more to it than just that. There had to be more to it then that. Just being reminded of yourself can happen a lot, and he was sure that Stray Kids, or Ateez, or the others also reminded them of themselves at some point. Jimin rolled his eye. Gently, he hit Tae on the shoulder, glaring at him fondly. 

"That is not exactly a very comprehensive answer Tae." He scolded slightly before turning back to Jungkook and going on to answer further. "Partially, yeah, they reminded us of ourselves, except...not getting caught and being thrown into this prison sentence." He continued holding his hand when Jungkook moved to ask a question, asking for silence, which Jungkook quickly gave, not wanting to push the sudden influx of information that he was being given. "However, it was more than that. When Stray Kids came to us, and most of the other younger groups, they already kind of knew what they were doing. TXT was different. They had no clue what they were doing, but they were so determined to learn. That was what endeared them to us, mostly Jin because he is weak for puppy eyes as we all know...." Jungkook filed that information to use for later. It was useful to know what SeokJin's weaknesses were, so that he could get him to cave when he wanted. It was not foolproof but it was something that tended to work so he figured it would have to do. "Anyways, because of that we trained them. We also decided that they were to be our mini us, should something happen to us, they take over the Gang infastructure." Jimin shrugged. "They are the only group to date that we have trained from scratch. I suppose you could say it is because of more sentiment than anything else, if you wanted to." Jungkook shook his head. 

"It sounds like it is because of sentimental reasons." He stated under his breath, but he did not stop there, turning to Taehyung and Jimin. "Okay, so next question. You guys formed the Gang in the school right?" He questioned. He was determined to get as much information while they seemed inclined to share and overshare. He had been waiting for answers for a while, and he was definitely not above a slight bit of manipulation and wide eyes that Jimin and Taehyung both melted to in order to get it. 

"Yes, what about it?" Taehyung asked, clearly confused. "We all came in at different times, though, if you did not know that or were unaware. However, yes, you are right, the group was formed once we got here and sort of...took over." Jungkook nodded as he had already known or suspected both things. 

"Well then, how did you meet TXT?" He asked. It was not just not...adding up. They should not have managed to meet TXT if they did not form the group until after they were already at the school, as far as he was aware the school did not give off vacations, and it was a full round school system. All year, stuck at the campus. For anyone of the group to have managed to meet TXT...it just did not add up. Something was missing. Jungkook wanted to know what it was. 

"Easy." Jimin stated with a laugh. "You forget, we are The Bangtan. We own the school. Nobody tells us no. Jin wanted to go to Seoul a couple years ago, he said that it was frustrating because there was not enough clothes, and he needed some hair dye to redo his hair. Naturally we got the principal to agree." 

"IT was not even really that difficult." Taehyung divulged. "Apparently, all it took was a couple of threats and he was ours." 

"Threats?" Jungkook asked again. "It was NamJoon Hyung wasn't it?" Taehyung looked subtly impressed at his deduction and Jimin just verbalized the agreement that it was, actually, him. 

Of the group, NamJoon had the most basic threats, but they were definitely effective. Taehyung had some interesting ones, and Jimin was known for his very...unique set of threats. They all worked, but combined with the general overbearing nature of NamJoon that others seemed to feel for whatever reason, they typically just let him do the threats. It was easier. However, that did not stop them from being able to use Taehung and Jimin's specialized threats, as they did that often times, particularly when it was more personal of a case, and they really wanted to dig the...metaphorical of course...knife in. 

"The point is...." Taehyung effortlessly redirected the conversation back. "It was during then that we found them. It was a bit difficult to keep contact, but we managed it. With quite a bit of threats, missing equipment, and blackmail." 

"Will I get to meet them? At some point?" 

"Of course!" Jimin said, bouncing up and bounding over to the bed. "You will meet them the next time that we go to see them!" 

"When are you guys going to see them next?" 

"Ah," Jimin lost his enthusiasm about that. 

"Well," Taehyung picked up, patting Jimin on the back as he passed and sat on Jungkook's other side. "That is actually a pretty good question. We don't really know." 

"But, we are going to need to see them soon. Remember? HobiHyung said that they had been wanting to meet a few weeks ago." 

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