Part 27

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Jungkook was quite pleased. Both with the information that the Hyungs had begun the first step in tearing the Dreamies away from NCT, or at the very least keeping the rest of NCT in line so that they did not take liberties with his friends anymore. He knew that perhaps NCT had not meant to, but they had either way, and Jungkook could not very well just stand about and let it happen. He needed to take actions. In order to protect them from getting hurt again, particularly Jisung. He had no intention of allowing them to push their will on them anymore. Not even Mark. Though he was not close with Mark, his lack of will to stand up to Taeyong for Jisung definitely had not left a really...positive impression on Jungkook either. Rejun and Chenle had not been happy about that either, and they were talking about whether Jisung would not be better finding someone else to claim him instead. Jisung did not want to, but even he had to admit that it may come to a point where he really did not have much of an option, though he had also said that he did not want it to come to that, and that he hoped that Mark would come to his senses. From what Jungkook knew about the group, he did not know that it would happen, much less as quickly as the other would want, but he could hope, if just for Jisung's sake.

He was glad that the first part of this plan was working, even though Jimin and Taehyung had both said that it was just the very first part of gaining more information. That was really all. They would also likely not get more information for a while, as it was easier getting messages out of the compound then it was to get messages into the compound, though obviously doable, it was just incredibly difficult, especially if they wanted to make sure that they did not tip NCT off to what it was that they were doing. Which also reminded Jungkook that they had not really talked to the others about this plan. He had plenty of time, of course, he was just nervous as to what they would say about it. HE did not really want to see their hatred, and he was not really one for...confrontation. Jimin had brought this up as they were sitting at the table.

"I just...I do not want to give them hope, or dash our friendship and if nothing really does come out of it." Jungkook leaned back in the chair, a dark look passing his eyes. "I mean, either way they are not going to get out of punishment. I cannot very well let them treat ChenLe, Jisung, and Rejun like that and just let it go. No way, but at the same time, I do not want to talk about this when there is not really any confirmation yet. Besides, in the end, we can at the very minimum use it as leverage. Let them make the final decision, if they want to fully separate from NCT, or if they want to stay with NCT, the point would be made quite clear." He huffed. "Besides, we have talked a little bit about Jisung needing to come to terms with the fact that he may end up having to have someone challenge Mark Hyung's claim."

"You did?" Taehyung asked sharply, Jimin seemed quite shocked about the information that Jungkook had informed them as well. He did not really see why, it was bound to happen.

"Of course. After all, what else were we supposed to do. Hyungie, you threatened to challenge Mark hyung yourself. We needed to make sure Jisung realized that it was a possibility that it may end up having to happen if Mark Hyung could not keep him safe. That is partially what a claim is. For protection. If Mark Hyung is not willing to protect Jisung from the others in his group, he does not deserve the claim."

"Did you settle who would do it?" Jimin wondered idly.

"There were a few options. In the end, we told Jisung to just let us know. We did not want to put more pressure on him to make a choice. He does really care for Mark after all, it would be too cruel to force the problem more. However, we did warn him that if it came down to it, that was what we would end up having to do."

"What are the options?" Jimin questioned. Jungkook sighed.

"Jiminie Hyung, I can't tell you that. Not yet. We don't even have the finalized list of options." He shrugged. "When Jisungie decides what to do, then I will let you know, until then, there is no need. Oh, how did you get the Hyungs to agree?" he asked Jimin, seeming genuinely curious.

"I just reminded them that NCT has been somewhat a pain lately. Any information that we could gather on them would probably be useful, just in case we needed it in the future, and I reminded them that while we first finalized our gang in the school, we each have ties to different gangs outside of the school, and they would likely want to be updated on what is going on. So, what could it hurt if we gathered some intel. I also reminded them that it would not be wise to go against you, Kookie."

"Me?" Jungkook laughed. "Why me?"

"Did you forget what you did when Taehyung first scouted you?" Jungkook opened his mouth in a silent oh and then nodded.

"Reasonable." He said.

"More to the point, it would seem that Jin is getting anxious." Jimin informed the two. Jungkook tilted his head curiously.


"Well, the three of us are getting a lot closer, a lot quicker than he thought that we would."

"Why is that so concerning?" Jungkook asked, not quite understanding the situation. Taehyung hummed, linking his arm with Jimin's.

"We haven't really done it before." He replied. "Connecting with people are not really our strong suit." Taehyung said with a nonchalant sigh.

"The fact that none of us really thought Taehyung would bring someone new into the gang did not really help with Jin's reservations. Plus it happened so quickly, and without really any way to prepare for it. None of us saw it coming. The fact that now Taehyung, and you, and myself are getting along so well...he is nervous about the potential future relations with each other." Jimin informed them dutifully.

"Not that we plan to defect or anything." Jungkook clarified.

"No, but with this talk of getting NCT Dream to move to our side, it has him twisted up in knots." Jimin said with a shrug. Jungkook sighed.

"I did not know that they would think this." He whispered. "I Just wanted to keep ChenLe, Rejun, and Jisung safe." He said with water-filled eyes. Taehyung and Jimin were quick to soothe him.

"We know that, they are just getting worked up over nothing. We will prove to them that they don't have anything to worry about. They are just overthinking things, do not worry too much about it."

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