Introducing-V's recruit

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The news that a new person would be coming to the school was huge. It was not often that such things happened, and so a new transfer had captured everyone's attention. Everyone was talking about it. Whispering it to their friends, wondering what the kid would be like. The gossip ran around like a wildfire which could not be put out as it was simply too hot to do so. Wondering what the kid had done to end up here, how old the kid was, whether the kid a girl or a boy. It was the talk of the school, though how the students had figured out that there was going to be a transfer student was unknown. Rumors had been circled around about what the kid would look like, what he may think, how he may behave. It was hard to really think about these things though. Nobody knew anything. Then again, nobody ever knew anything until the kid was brought to the school, and until then it was all just guesswork. Even then, a lot of them kept to themselves, hiding their past behind bolted doors. Others, like the transfer from southern part of South Korea, enjoy bragging about what brought them to the school. Yet, one must remember that is still not a majority of the students. Many students held that sense of mystery and curiosity about them, making others wonder what they had done, and speculate on how they could have been placed within the school. It was not exactly easy to enter the school, after all.

Jungkook knew what he was going to play the moment he entered the building. He was not going here because he was innocent, but he could pretend. Or at least, overly fake it. He did not want to, but he also knew that it was the best course of action because it would gain him two things. Allies, and Enemies. Those who would stand up for him which he was already aware would be next to none, but he would have the allies of the teachers at least-and those who saw him as an easy target. They would find out soon enough. They would realize that he was anything but a simple target to pinpoint.

When he was brought to his first classroom, he was standing in the front, head bowed, his black fringe purposely covering his bright, yet somewhat dangerous eyes. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher had asked in that stupid sickeningly sweet voice. It made Jungkook want to gouge her eyes out, but he ignored that feeling, as difficult as it was to do so and nodded. He had to portray himself as a nervous new kid. Not that he wasn't.

He easily portrayed the nervous new kid. Not all of it was an act, but he simply exaggerated his nervous and anxiety-prone nature. He could easily beat the living shit out of everyone here. Head down, eyes on the floor, hands playing with the freyed edge of the gray t-shirt he bit his lower lip and said in a slightly shaking and stuttering voice. 

"H-Hello. My N-name is Jeon Jungkook. P-lease t-take care of me." He said in a gentle sweet voice, making sure he seemed softer than he necessarily was. It was not as though he did not stutter, but it took a lot to get him to stutter for real, and there were a few situations that he had done so, but it was not often. Otherwise, it was an act that he played. It had its uses, of course. Often times he used it to get others to underestimate him. After all, a kid that has a stutter cannot possibly be dangerous right? Wrong, but people never saw that until it was too late anyway. 

"Well done, Jungkook," the teacher said sweetly. Jungkook bit his tongue harshly almost drawing blood, but not wanting to lash out. Normally, he had a lot better self-control. Much more capable of controlling his actions, and emotions. His sesei had taught him rather extreme amounts of self-control. He supposed that it was a good thing, and yet, he had been through so much in such little time it was really straining on his patience and control. His usual control was dwindling to near nothing, and it was almost concerning to him if he had had the frame of mind to really be concerned. He would be fine in a few days, assuming that he managed that long. "Why don't you sit next to Mark Lee." Jungkook glanced up, looking for this Mark human. "Mark, please raise your hand so that Jungkook knows who you are." A kid-not much older than Jungkook, or so he would wager-raised his hand. He had that baby face and Jungkook blew air into his cheeks to imitate it. He heard some of the girls coo. Mentally he smirked, his plan was going right, for now. He was not stupid enough to believe that it would continue this way, especially if his control remained on the thin strand that it was currently hanging. He needed to make sure that he was underestimated, whether that gained him more enemies or otherwise, it was essential that nobody realizes just how dangerous he actually was. 

When he sat down next to the kid, he noticed some of the guys and girls glaring at the two of them, but he ignored them like always, noticing an empty seat next to the window. It was always the window seat. Though, he was not entirely certain why he was placed near this Mark person, instead of just at the window.

"W-who..." Jungkook was cut off before he could even finish. 
"That's Taehyung's seat." Jungkook inhaled sharply, keeping himself from lashing out. "He's in the year above us, but shares the same homeroom teacher, as it was the only person who was willing to be his home teacher for this year after almost stabbing the other one." Jungkook's eyes widened at Mark's response, just a little bit stunned into silence. He was genuinely not expecting that, so the wide-eyed innocently shocked look was genuine. "He is always late. Stay away from him. And his friends. He is one of the most dangerous people in school." Jungkook gulped and nodded quickly before looking back down at his desk. He was infinitely curious about this person, but he knew better than to get involved with someone who was considered the most dangerous person in the school.

It was about ten minutes into class time that the door slammed open, interrupting the flow of the class, silencing the teacher, stunning Jungkook, and causing a silenced hush to fall over the students. Jungkook looked, and noticed that Taehyung appeared. Jungkook stared, unable to help it. He was....beautiful. Beyond that. He was gorgeous.

Jungkook quickly looked down avoiding his eyes, as they were just too intense for him to handle, actively shy for some reason when the boy looked straight at him as he passed

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Jungkook quickly looked down avoiding his eyes, as they were just too intense for him to handle, actively shy for some reason when the boy looked straight at him as he passed. While Jungkook may portray being shy for various reasons, mostly because it suited him well and made manipulating others easier as well as causing them to underestimate him a lot, something about this boy actively made him shy. He did not look up again, deciding to pay attention to the teacher, and nothing else.

Mark and Jungkook became...not friends, no, but something resembling allies. Mark had also introduced him to a few of his friends. Those including Jisung, Chenle, and Rejun. Rejun and Chenle were originally from China, having moved to Korea, and then soon afterwards being sent to this school. Jisung was pretty young, he was only a few months older than Jungkook, making him glad that he was not alone in being really young at fourteen. In fact, one could say that over the next two or three days, he had grown attached to Chenle, Rejun, and Jisung to the point where he actually spoke to them regularly, and without his shy exterior.
Among things that did remain the same was his avoidance of the bangtan boys, even more so after he was warned about them by his newfound friends. It was not as though he was 'scared' of them, merely wary. Especially this Taehyung character. He did not like how...weak...the other made him feel around him. How nervous, and shy he was in his presence. It was no as though Mark, Jisung, Rejun, and Chenle had no interactions with the bangtan boys, they were just limited. NCT-the second largest gang, and answering strictly to the Bangtan Boys-subunit Dream, which all four were a part of, rarely had any contact with them. To Jungkook's relief. He did not want to think about what bad things could happen to them if they were directly involved with the most dangerous kids in school.

Well, for the most part. Unfortunately, the tense peace was bound to be broken somehow. And it was the break-in this peace where Jungkook finally caught V's eyes.

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