red faced

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Jungkook had been right in many aspects. Taehyung was both proud and very disappointed because of that. For one, Rejun, Chenle, and Jisung were incredibly mischievous, smart, and intelligent. For all of that, they were also somewhat childish still. Just like Jungkook, and Taehyung could understand why Jungkook had gotten along with them so well, even if it had only been a few days. It also helped that they were all around jungkook's age, even if the latter was still ther youngest, much to his chagrin.

He was also right about them living to mess with their hyungs. The regaling of stories showed this many times over. Many of which had Taehyung laughing as well, and it showed just how intelligent that these boys were. Almost every story had some act which the four had done to anger one of the hyungs. Usually Markhyung, or Dohyung, both of which were easy targets for their mischeiveous pranks of diabolical evil. They had tried to prank several of tte others a few times but according to Jisung they were harder targets and they would rat on them faster than Mark and Dohyung.

Jungkook was also spot on when it had come to his assessment of Taeyong's reaction once he managed to somehow figure out that the dream team and Taehyung were on speaking terms. This was where Taehyung's disappointment came into play. Not because he was angry that his baby had been correct, no it was the exact opposite, he was simply angry that Taeyong would act in such an undignified manner. Taeyong had definitely not been happy. In fact, he had stood and scolded the others for over 15 minutes, in front of the entire cafeteria, until Chenle, and Jungkook, were almost in tears.

It was then that both Rejun and Taehyung stood, possessive intent showing in the curling both of their hands into their boys' hips. Glittering chokes on both boys' necks, darkly reminding Taeyong that they were off limits. They then pushed the boys behind themselves, to somewhat hide the boys from Taeyong's view, anger in both pairs of dark amber eyes, and dark retribution in Taehyung's own, making the eldest of NCT shudder, a chill swiftly descending down his spine at the look.

It was simply not acceptable. Jungkook had grabbed Jisung and both of them were hiding behind Taehyung. Not only had Taeyong made Jungkook cry-silent tears now making their way down his delicate cheeks-but he had gone even further than just that.  Taeyong had the audacity to also ensure that he had also upset Chenle and Jisung. This upset both Taehyung and Rejun. For similar reasons as well.

Rejun was incredibly angry that Taeyong had scolded Chenle to the point of tears, upset because he knew Chenle was also upset that Jungkook was upset, as well as angry with himself for getting in such huge trouble. However, he did not focus on the latter, only the former. He could not allow anyone, his leader or otherwise, to speak to HIS boy in such a tone.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was far more than just angry. He was pissed, and a dark emotion was curling itself in his heart. Wrath echoing through the tremble of his bones as he glared icily at Taeyong. Not only had he upset Chenle, who was Jungkook's friend, he had also upset Rejun, another friend of Chenle and Jungkook, and while Jisung was doing a good job of hiding it, he too was hurt by his eldest Hyung's anger. This was simply not acceptable. Three of his baby's friends were crying. Which meant three of his baby's friends were highly upset. Not just that, his baby, his... was also upset, to the degree of tears flying down his soft cheeks. Taehyung...well he simply could not allow that. Never. It made him angry to even think that Taryong would dare to do such a thing within his presence.

Not only that, but they were in public a cafeteria, with everyone in the school staring. It was enough to send Taehyung down a dark path. He would, before. He had a boy behind him, well, two including Jisung, who were incredibly upset and he had a responsibility to care for the two.

"ENOUGH!" Tae shouted, fists clenched tightly, his anger and dark malice weaving its way among his words, his tone volumes above normal, deep in his anger, and dark in fury.

"Excuse yourself, Taeyong. You have crossed a line. Chenle, Jisung, and Jungkook are claimed, meaning they should definitely not be scolded by anyone other than their masters in public," Taehyung said, voice low, and controlled anger still clear in his speech. "And while perhaps Jungkook was not claimed when you met him he is mine now, and I do not remember EVER giving you permission to scold him, publicly or privately. Nor am I aware that the dream members being friends with me is an offense or perhaps should BangTan question your loyalty to us? Hmm?" Taeyong paled dramatically. Glancing over at Jungkook he saw the now glaringly obvious strip of fabric around his throat, the V charm mocking him from where it glistened on the other's neck.

"Of, of course not. I apologize. I was out of line. I shall accept any punishment BangTan is willing to bestow." Taehyung scoffed. Still pissed off and unable to calm down.

"I will see to it that you are. Get out of my sight. And MARK, get your ass over here and comfort Jisung before I challenge you!"

That made everyone gawk at Taehyung. Challenge a claim. To challenge a claim was rare, and almost never happened, though it was not completely unheard of. Still, it hardly ever happened, stakes were high. Though nobody questioned who threw victor of the challenged claim would be. Who else could it be other than taehyung.

Taehyung sat down once more, calmly inhaling Jungkook's scent. Gulping it down to sooth his frayed nerves.

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