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They needed a better plan. 

That was the reality. Though they were going to take over at least half of NCT Dream, this plan just simply would not do. Jungkook did not like it. If Jungkook did not like it, they would not do it. That was that, Taehyung did not care what his other Hyungs had said. Not that he had stated who it was that had disliked the plan in the first place, though he was sure that the others had their own guesses given the fact that he had disapproved the day after he and Jungkook had retired for the night, and it was no small guessing that Taehyung had shared with his Recruit exactly what the plan was detail by detail. 

They needed a better plan. Jungkook knew that it just simply would not suffice. It would not work well, it would not end well, and it had too many risks. They were going up against the elder Hyungs of NCT after all, and while the group was technically under BangTan they were very strong and quite powerful, and to try and take from them was risky as well. They needed to be careful at what they were doing, not just what they were doing but also how they were doing it and this just was not a good way of doing it.

They could not possibly claim all the members of NCT Dream. There was just no possible way, and then it would bring on added complications, and Jungkook would just prefer to avoid them all. Sure, claiming all the younger members theoretically seemed like the best way, and it was no doubt the fastest way to get things done and be over it all, but if they were going to do this than Jungkook refused to do it the simple and easy way. Especially if the simple and easy way had them potentially fighting at least another 15 or so people. No way, it was too dangerous and too reckless, and he just could not in his own good conscious allow such things to happen. Especially not since Taehyung would be at the fore. 

"Well what would you suggest we do then, huh?" Yoongi grit out, grinding his teeth angrily, as he glared at both Taehyung and Jungkook.

The other had been increasingly hostile to him. Jungkook knew exactly why, of course, but that did not mean that he enjoyed having to deal with the after effects of this. Jungkook was brought in by Taehyung, and he was brought it for a reason, not for a random fleeting thought. He was getting tired of being second guessed, and he was tired of the glares which the others...except Jimin because despite what anyone else said Jimin was practically a saint if a bit mischievous at times...continued to give him the moment that he walked in the room. It was exhausting and he was, to be honest, quite done with it. They were lucky that Taehyung was here or Yoongi's tone of voice would have set Jungkook off. As it were all it took was a tight grip around his shoulder and the hushed whisper of 'behave' for Jungkook to fight off the feelings of anger and resentment which flew through him at Yoongi's words. More at his tone, rather than his words. 

He would show them. He would show them all, but first he needed to get his friends back under safety, and to a more comfortable atmosphere, one which he knew for a fact they were not being given considering everything that had gone down between Taeyong and Taehyung during the cafeteria and the upset feelings  between the two groups. He knew that he would prove himself, and he would make them all regret ever doubting him, he would...

Jungkook took a deep breath. He could mull that over later, but for right now he needed to figure out a better plan because the Plan A and Plan B that they had currently were both just plain awful. Plan A would likely only succeed in principle. NCT was under BangTan but that did not mean that they would always be and rebellions were always the ones which where silent but deadly. Given the things which had happened earlier, Jungkook did not want to risk such a thing happening. While Claiming them may theoretically work, he knew that it would only cause problems in the long run.

While Plan B just was not going to happen. Jungkook did not care who suggested it or how much it would theoretically work. He was not going to kidnap his best friends just to keep them away from NCT's pathetic leader. Not that NCT's leader was pathetic. If Jungkook was being honest with himself, and he would never dare speak this aloud, definitely not to either NamJoon or Taehyung, TaeYong was quite a brilliant leader. He had quite a bit of people under his command, and several of them were literal bags of chaos and hell. How anything managed to work was practically a mystery with how much trouble everyone regularly got into. Still, he refused to kidnap his friends, even if the idea had merit. It would likely cause more problems in the long run as well, because he knew that ChenLe and ReJun hated being cooped up. JiSung may not have as much of an issue as long as they piled him high with video games, but they were not really sure that they wanted to take that chance, and they would also have to find a way to get JiSung's claimed one, Mark, as well. That would be more difficult and Jungkook would prefer to just avoid kidnapping in general. 

They needed something drastic but not too drastic. 

"I don't know yet, Yoongi-Ssi," It was a flash of harsh words and a dark look in Jungkook's eyes that sent Yoongi reeling. Not hours before he was calling them Hyung and comfortable, and now it was as though they were all an enemy on an unseen battle ground that none of them knew about.

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