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Taehyung hummed softly to himself as he drifted along the halls, people hastily moving out of his way as he walked down the corridors. Jungkook's worry was interesting. He knew that the other was interested in Jimin as well, even if he won't admit it yet. Perhaps he just did not understand himself yet, which was okay, and that was understandable. He would fix this, though, and though he had to admit that he was surprised at Jungkook's worries, he could not quite blame the boy for being worried. Jimin was quite the exquisit being after all.

Once I have them both eating out of the palm of my hands...Taehyung thought to himself. I will have two of the most pretty and dangerous beings loyalty. I already have Jungkook's, of course, and I know I have Jimin's, but if I could get both of them to like each other as well...Taehyung stopped in the middle of the hall to think that through. It was quite the beautiful picture. He was not sure how he would manage it, but he could worry about that later. The thought itself was just astounding to him. He truly could desire such a thing. He would not be breaking his promise, he would not be replacing Jungkook, no, he would be merely adding to the two of them. Thoughts for another time, sadly. Taehyung thought to himself as he continued moving abruptly, leaving people to hastily jump out of his way. It was amusing. He could not help but have his lips curl upwards with a dark laugh echoing under his breath as they did so. Such worried little lambs. He thought to himself.

He pulled up short next to Jimin's room. He paused for just a moment, but did not bother knocking as he entered the room without a seconds more of a thought. He knew that if he knocked Jimin would just not answer, likely pretend not to be in, and when Taehyung inevitably entered the room he would try and lie to him. Well...not to Taehyung, but to one of the other Hyungs claiming he simply had not heard them or was not paying attention. The most common excuse that Taehyung had heard involved sleeping. Once he had heard a shower excuse. That was most amusing. He had been there when Jimin had rushed to the bathroom and doused his head in water before stripping and pulling a towel around his body and jumped back on the bed as Taehyung had opened the door. That had been hilarious. Taehyung remembered laughing for hours about it afterwards. Jimin had been incredibly salty, but could only point out that it had worked and he had gotten away with it without even technically having to lie. Though he had been given quite the lecture on showering in midday by NamJoon who stated that it was simply unhealthy.

Now, he knew all of Jimin's little tricks and did not bother indulging them for the most part. Jimin, for his own part, was sitting on the bed, eyes staring down at the floor blankly. Taheyung sighed. Oh, Jungkook sweetie, we really have some work to do on your bluntness. It is causing certain issues. Jimin is sensitive after all. He moved over to the bed, and tilted Jimin's face up to his. he could still see the tear tracks that had etched themselves on his face, regardless of the fact that his face was mostly dry now. His eyes were still red rimmed and slightly wet. He could tell that he had barely stopped crying. A part of Taehyung felt a slight echo of what he thought could be considered pity for the boy, but mostly he could only admire how beautiful Jimin looked when he was upset.

"Why, hello, what exactly happened?" Taehyung questioned, keeping his fingers gripping Jimin's chin tightly so that the other could not move his gaze away. Jimin sighed, his breathing stuttered.

"Do you think that the...the Hyungs actually care about us?" Jimin asked softly. Taehyung furrowed his brows. This is not Jungkook...he thought. Jungkook would never state that the Hyungs did not care about them. He had only owned Jungkook for a few weeks but even he knew that. No this is something else.

"Of course they care about us." Taehyung stated with conviction. "What is this about?" Taehyung question.

"Do you think that they are loyal to us?" Taehyung paused at that. That is more Jungkook's speed. He concluded. He had to say even a part of him paused at the question. He did not know what to answer to that.

"I am not entirely sure." He admitted. "I think that they want us to be loyal to them more than they are loyal to us." He settled on that statement.

"Okay, then," Jimin said simply. "Okay, I agree, I want to do this. I want to get the information." He stated. Taehyung hummed, tracing the cheeks of Jimin's face.

"What is this about, love?" He asked.

"Jungkook-ah admitted that he did not think that the Hyungs had the same loyalty for us that we had for them, and he said that although they care for us loyalty and caring are different, and that if we spy on them we wouldn't really be disobeying or committing anything since they broke the accord first." Sly little boy. Taehyung thought to himself. though he had to admit, it was a wise course to go down.

"And you agree to it?" Taehyung questioned. Jimin, Taehyung could feel, slouched downwards.

"Well, if you also think that they don't really trust us, and aren't as loyal as though should be...then yes. I want to see what they are hiding from us. They clearly know more than we do regarding TXT, and I don't like that. We agreed to share all information and yet, it is clear that all information has not been being shared. So I suppose, Jungkook-ah is right. They broke the agreement first. Which means if we break it afterwards...well we aren't able to break a contract that's already been broken right?" Taehyung nodded. "Then yes, I agree." 

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