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Jungkook looked at Taehyung, he was beyond words, even if he was still upset. He wanted desperately to hold onto Jisung but Markhyung had pulled him away, and Jungkook felt this sort of anger within his body which was swiftly snuffed out as Taehyung inhaled his scent, pulling him to sit.

He had to say he was surprised that Taehyung had willingly stood for Chenle, Rejun, and Jisung. He supposed he should not be. After all, Chenle, Jisun, and Rejun were his friends, and them being hurt by contrast also hurt him. Still, it was a pleasant surprise. It certainly cemented his loyalty to Taehyung, specifically, if nothing else, but also from his loyalty to Tae by contrast that also meant his loyalty to BangTan, in some weird way. He could not found himself overly upset by it either. It was a strange thing to be aware of.

Jungkook could feel Taehyung shaking in the seat beside him as he leaned heavily on him. He was still so emotion. He was still so very angry, and Jungkook really could not really do anything for it or about it. Anger was just one of those emotions that needed to be let out and simmered down when one felt it.

Jungkook felt some odd swirl of emotions within his stomach. A fire in his body burning. Something dangerous unfurling. He bit his teeth into his lower lip, viciously cutting into it with no care for the drops of blood which exited from the tear in the soft flesh. He could not even feel the pain which came from it, the emotions so suddenly rushing through and over him that he could not really place any of them before the next wave shoved itself through. His eyes glinted with a wave of dangerous anger.

Jungkook was...angry. He supposed that it was simply unavoidable. He felt mad and wronged. Taeyong, of course, he respected Taeyong, but the other had also lashed out at him, and for what? Why? Because Jungkook had exposed the dreamies to Taehyung? Taehyung was his friend or weird master thing, and Chenle and Rejun and Jisung were also his friends, his only friends at that and so it was only natural he would want the them to meet Taehyung. Not only had he hurt him though, Jungkook could handle himself being thrown to the wolves with grace and dignity. What really caught him and set him off was the pain in Jisung, Chenle, and Rejun.
Chenle was sensitive to yelling, and anger in general. He did not like it because of what happened, and Jungkook could not really say that he liked it either, and so it really made him angry. He could also see the self deprecation in Rejun as Taeyong continued to shout, and Jisung's soft cries, and anger at Markhyung for not comforting Jisung. Taeyong had disregarded that. He had shouted at them and instead of just talking to them privately he had done it in such a public place. It had to have hurt Chenle. Furthermore, it was embarrassing to be scolded like that in front of the entire bloody school.

Chenle had been hurt by the group's supposed leader. Furthermore, Rejun was angry and hurt. He was hurt by Taeyong's cruel and harsh words, embarrassed at being called out in front of everyone, and he was annoyed and angry that Taeyong dared do such a thing to HIS Chenle.
Jisung had also been hurt. But, in this case, Jungkook was even more annoyed at Markhyung for not stepping up when he should have. Perhaps he was being unfair, but still, it took Taehyung reprimanding Mark to get him to aid Jisung. Something which Jungkook was really glad the other had done.

The anger was pulling at him. It was so very tempting to just fall into it, and to allow it to consume him. It would be so very simple, and so easy. His eyes blazed darkly, fire within. Malic filled them, the anger slowly but surely becoming simply too much for him to control as his body began to tremble from the sheer weight of it which was thrown upon him so suddenly. The emotions which he felt clashing about through him slowly all turned into that churning anger.

He could feel it settling itself across his shoulders, the back of his neck, and through the veins in his arms. He subtly inhaled, deep breaths, secretly trying to calm himself before he drew attention...well more attention than what the whole fiasco with Taeyong had garnered. Even thinking about it made Jungkook's anger return full. force and he could feel himself want to just lunge at Taeyong. Despite seeing Rejun and Mark hyung both comforting Chenle and Jisung hyung. It seemed to make him want to snatch the leader of NCT even more than it made him want to calm down.

Now was certainly not the time to be getting angry and throwing himself at the leaders of NCT. He doubted that it would end well, and besides, he would not really be able to do all that much anyways. He had to calm himself down, and Taehyung now that he thought about it as the elder was still wrapped about him inhaling his scent, before things happened that would be definite causes for regret.

He turned himself into Taehyung, slowly wrapping his arms around his elder. He tucked his head into the other's shoulder, inhaling deeply. Calming himself, as he distantly felt Taehyung clutch onto him tightly. Fingers clenching into the back of his shirt.

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