Little Bird

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Taehyung watched with a proud smile as Jimin and Jungkook woke with each other. Taehyung could not help but become more and more fascinated with the youth as he continued to speak with Jimin. The other was truly something, something which eh did not know, could not really control, but that was what made it so exhilarating. Taehyung orotund a kindred soul in Jungkook, and that was something that he would cherish and would never let go no matter how hard he had to dig his bloody talon in. He would not allow Jungkook to leave him, and he would not allow anyone to get in the way of his possessing and owning the other boy, just as much as Jungkook both owned and possessed him. They were truly soulmates. They understood each other so intimately. Without hesitation, Jungkook could lead Taehyung and Taehyung could read Jungkook and it was as though they were being wound together like the braids in girl's hair. Tightly, interwoven together so intricately and delicate. 

Jungkook was quite the specimen. As he watched the other so effortlessly get Jimin to believe him, so easily and without thought did Jungkook weave the tale spun with silk. Taehyung could only watch with such shining eyes, in adoration as the other was so swift in the execution of his words that Jimin could not help but believe the sweet and innocent being that was Jungkook.

He knew that he had chosen correctly, he knew that his recruit was the right one. No matter the worries which Jin, Hobi, Yoongi, NamJoon, and Jimin had, Jungkook was perfect. He was utterly perfect and Taehyung would not have anyone tell him otherwise. The other had such a dangerous being lurking just under the surface. Something which fascinated Taehyung ever since he saw the first glimpse of it.  He knew that it was the perfect person for Taehyung.

He had not really intended on taking another, honestly he had been more than satisfied by the six of them, but then things did not really happen as he had planned. He just saw Jungkook walk out of the room and rush after ChenLe, the lack of hesitation that he had shown as he beat the other boys to the ground and continued going and going not stopping even as they pleaded for mercy.

Oh it had been such a glorious sight. It was one that Taehyung knew was certainly not going to leave his mind any time soon. It had been beautiful the way the other had let go and freed himself to the darkness, allowing the world to blink in red and black, leaving no hesitation in his actions, and showing no regret for them afterwards. 

An dhow could he simply allow BangTan to be only six when he had seen that? Hw simply could not help it. The boy would do so wonderfully, and Taehyung had taken it as his mission. He would take the other and he would possess him fully. Taehyung knew the other was likely to be nervous and anxious when he had awoken, but yet again the other had shocked him. It was then that he knew that he had the perfect recruit. The perfect one. He had found the last of them, and he would not rest until the others were capable of seeing just how beautiful that Jungkook was, and how wonderful that he would be for them, as long as they played their cards right, as long as they were careful. 

Oh, the boy could be more than all of them combined, he could be better than everything that they had dreamed of, and Taehyung saw the beginning so f it manifest right when Jungkook had released his inner darkness without hesitation on the ones who darkened threaten ChenLe. He saw it once again when the other had pounced him, and saw it again when the youth had suggested they take ChenLe, ReJun, and JiSung and Mark as well if possible. And Taehyung saw it once again with Jimin. Oh how beautiful it was. Taehyung could not help but watch in awe as Jungkook so effortlessly swayed Jimin to his and the other's cause, in a way which Jimin would now convince the Hyungs to help, and oh, was he not a little genius. 

With JImin advocating for them, the Hyungs would never say no. Jungkook had seen that evidently and was going to use it to press his advantage. How beautiful was that? Taehyung had to say, the other was getting more and more wonderful the more that he saw him unravel, the more he saw him embrace himself, and embrace the darkness which was hidden beneath. 

It could not have been easy, after all, to do something so quickly. Oh, Jungkook was definitely the one...No matter what the others would say about him, that he was too soft, too kind, too caring, no. Taehyung say something that the other's could not see, could not see because they had been blinded. After all, had they not said the same things about Jimin? About him? Look where that left them? 

The Hyungs were not always correct in their assumptions, and Taehyung had taken so long to choose someone that they had not dared deny his request, not that they would have anyways. Taehyung knew Jungkook was perfect, and he could not help the utter admiration he felt upon watching Jungkook manipulate their dearest Jimin, and watch as the other scampered off to tell their Hyungs. 

"Good job, Bunny," Taehyung said simply, wrapping his arms around the other, leaving Jungkook to smile brightly at the praise which Taehyung lathered upon him, leaving him feeling warm and soft. 

"Thank you Hyung. I figured that if Jimin is was agreeable he would be more than capable of getting all of the other Hyungs to agree as well."

"Mhm. Right you were. The Hyungs cannot help themselves when it comes to Jimin, they are weak." Jungkook giggled at that, and nodded quickly. 

"Jimin was rather easy to convince. He just needed the right...incentive. Is all." Taehyung hummed as he laid his head on the other's shoulder inhaling the scent that was Jungkook.

"I am sure that you provided the perfect one." 

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