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The other hyungs were more than curious about what it was which Jungkook had said, but with a small smile on his face and Taehyung's little smirk...Jimin was more than aware that he should not be informing to others about what he had been told. The hyungs were more than just a little miffed that Jimin was keeping his secrets. Not that they could really do anything other than try to demand Jimin to speak up, but they all knew full well that of all of them, Jimin was more likely to listen to Taehyung than any one of them. Not for anything necessarily bad or even good, the oyuth was just more intimidated by Taehyung, not to mention that they had been friends for a good while now and Jimin would not just give up his friend.

Jungkook, now he was the one that the rest of the hyungs had caught their sights on in trying to obtain the information. It was very clearly Jungkook who had come up with whatever plan it was that Taehyung was wanting to implement in order to take control over NCT Dream. It was also very likely Jungkook's idea to take over NCT Dream in the first place. This brought up multiple problems.

One, if it was Jungkook's idea, and Taehyung was going along with it it could mean one of two things. Either Jungkook had much more influence over their resident fireball, or Taehyung actually thought that it was a good idea. Either way it was dangerous. 

Jungkook leaned back heavily into Taehyung when the others huffed and, narrowing their eyes dangerously, glaring at the two of them, left them to their own devices. Taehyung slowly wrapped his arms around the youngest of them, and calmly breathed in the other's scent. Jungkook was a sort of drug to Taehyung, one which he could take freely. Jimin was standing there, sort of nervous. 

Not that Taehyung blamed the other too much. Jungkook could be intimidating should he really need to be. Jimin was also not one who was used to having to be ganged up on. Which was exactly what was happening at the moment.

"So," Jungkook drawled out. He calmly blinked, looking at the other with wide eyes. He maintained the wide-eyed gaze and stared at Jimin. "What do you think of the plan?" Jimin hummed, glancing at Taehyung nervously. 

"It is not a really bad plan." Jimin admitted.

"What is it" Taehyung demanded. Jimin's shoulders raised defensively. He knew that voice. Out of everyone, Taehyung had always managed to read him easily. It was not really something that he enjoyed all that much, but he knew that he could not change that either. Taehyung had to be one of the most observant people that Jimin had ever met, which was certainly not exactly a good thing when he was trying to hide information from him...Like he was at the moment.

"I just..." Jimin sighed, biting his lower lip. He had difficulty doing it, but he lifted his head up towards Taehyung and Jungkook's doubly piercing gaze. "I do not think that the NCT Dream kids would go for it." He said softly. 

Taehyung laughed, and Jimin felt himself relaxing. Taehyung just had that sort of presence. He could be terrifying one second, and calming the next. It was actually slightly terrifying.

"We are not going to try and attempt to take them all." He said soothingly, his low voice calming. Jungkook hummed, nodding in agreement with Taehyung's words. 

"Just some of them." Jungkook added in helpfully. 

"Just...some...Guys, this is admirable, but like I said, I doubt that they would go for it. Not to mention we would not only have to get through NCT Dream, but also WayV, NCT U, and NCT 127. It brings a lot of risk. While we may be the biggest bad in the school, we have to remember, that NCT is huge. They are a lot bigger than we are, and it is unnerving. 

"We will do whatever is necessary." Taehyung said simply, as though that was all there was to the conversation. Jimin closed his eyes, calming himself down, breathing deeply. 

"Guys, Like I said, it is really dangerous. What is necessary may not be what we have the power to do." 

"Whatever the case may be, I will make sure that those boys belong to us." Taehyung growled out lowly. 

"Taehyung, Why are you being like this?" Jimin asked, practically pleading with the other. "Taking over NCT is one thing, but you do not want to do a total takeover, you want to infiltrate and specficially take over NCT Dream, which will be incredibly difficult and dangerous, and..." 

"Jimin," Jungkook said abruptly, standing from his comfortable place in Taehyung's lap. "Breathe." He whispered softly, placing delicate hands on the other's shoulders.

"I know it is complicated to understand, Jimin." Taehyung said calmly. "But they hurt Jungkook. Jungkook also has friends that were hurt, which also hurt him. Clearly, it is obvious that they cannot be held accountable to aid Jungkook or to keep him from being emotionally harmed, and therefore, I must remove those who may be hurting him from the equation. Taking over NCT Dream is the most viable option, as Jungkook is friends with Chenle, Rejun, and Jisung." 

Jimin groaned, squatting down and raking a hand through his hair. 

"Don't you think that you are being just a little bit excessive?" Jimin asked, faced pinched. 

"No," Taehyung said sternly. "I most certainly do not." He spoke determined, as though Jimin were simply being ridiculous. "I am worried about how this will go. Jungkook is important to me, and as NCT hurt him, I cannot stand for such things.

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