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The next few weeks were settled...according to Jungkook that was. Jimin was doing quite a fine job pretending he was not unnerved, but Taehyung knew better. Jungkook saw it, but simply did not care. After all, it was a means to an end, and the means were getting him information, and the end was destroying this little rebellion that had cropped up when Jungkook had wanted to help Chenle, Rejun, and Jisung. After all, despite what anyone else said, the three were gentle souls. Jungkook really felt that NCT was not for them...he wanted to take them, protect them, maybe even mold them into his own little band of people. Whatever he wanted, the fact remained that Taehyung's elder Hyungs had to pay. They had questioned his decision to help NCT. Of course, he figured that it was probably because he was so new, and they were just being careful, but Jungkook really did not care.

Taehyung had chosen him, and from what he could tell, that was that. There was no seconds, no take backsies, which meant that Jungkook was just every bit as part of this gang as they were a part of him. For them to question his choice, and even try and go behind his back to go against his choice? Well, that just could not do. They had betrayed his trust, and Jungkook was not a lenient individual, and he certainly did not forgive transgressions. Sure, he may have played the nice guy, but there was a reason he was at the school, after all, it was their fault they failed to realize that before it was too late. Now, they would taste the sweet taste of revenge...and it would be their own little group that caused it. It was almost too perfect, if Jungkook did say so himself.

Not that he wanted to destroy the group, of course. That would do him absolutely no favors. He knew Taehyung would be willing to do it for him, though, especially if Jungkook employed his puppy eyes. It was quite easy to get Taehyung to do what he wanted, in the long run. He had to be careful not to arise his anger, because Taehyung was incredibly dangerous while angry, but as long as he pushed the buttons just right...it was not difficult to do what was necessary. From what he had managed to gather so far, even the rest of the gang was wary of Taehyung, which worked for him quite well, just did not really work well for anyone else. Taehyung's ability to use this fear in order to keep the others in line had already come in handy, and Jungkook had a feeling it would become more and more useful as the time went by.

Still, as he had contemplated before, he did not want to break up the gang. He needed them, especially when they went back out into the real world. Jungkook could not get revenge on his parents by himself, could he? Nor the judge, jury, and everyone else that had taken part in dragging his ass up to this prison of a school. Not that it was much of a prison with his group being who they were, but the point still stood. He would need money, connections, and people, something which Bangtan had and he did not. Since Taehyung had decided he wanted to take him on as a member of the group, Jungkook was certainly not going to waste his resources. He would have eventually become a part of NCT if he had not been so quickly inducted into Bangtan. As it stood, he was more than willing to use Bangtan to get what he needed, since it was really his only choice.

He just wanted to ensure that he got Chenle, Rejun, and Jisung out too. He knew NCT cared about the Dream kids. It was obvious in how protective they were with them. It just...bordered on overbearing. Jungkook knew because he was given the same attention, just lessened because he was not officially a member of their little group and had not been claimed by anyone at the time (though Jungkook had not been aware that the whole claiming thing had existed). It was overwhelming to have such restrictions imposed for seemingly no reason. Of course, he knew the school was dangerous. Anyone would know that, because that was the whole reason they were there. Everyone here in this foresaken place was dangerous to some extent, some more than others (tae was obviously the more than). He just...well, NCT had sort of betrayed him, and he still was salty over the fact that none of them had stood up for Chenle or Rejun, or even Jisung in the cafeteria. That was straight up appalling, and Jungkook just knew that he would be able to treat them way better. They needed to be broken away from the main group.

As for Bangtan...they would pay. The older hyungs would pay because Jungkook decided it. He had a feeling Taehyung already knew what he was up to, especially with JImin, and using him to effortlessly infiltrate the older ranks to force them to accept his revenge, but the older was a kind dear and merely helped him along. Or had Jungkook played up the innocent victim a bit too well? Either way, it suited his purpose well enough, and that was all that mattered.

"Are we certain about this?" Jimin asked nervously, his voice hushed from fear. Jungkook almost wanted to roll his eyes. He had gotten Chenle to help them break into the principal's office. While their relations would allow them free access, Jungkook did not want any trace of their entering the office in the first place. No need to rise suspicion, after all, especially considering this was a long con. It had taken an entire week to both convince, and manage, the break in.

"No getting cold feet." Taehyung said coldly, shoving Jimin into the room. Jungkook could not help but smile at the sight. "We waited this long, and i want to get it over with already."

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