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The hyungs just watched as Jungkook dragged Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. Hobi slumped back with a heavy handed sigh, and NamJoon was not able to stop thinking about the last comment that the youngest had told them. It was a serious accusation, that the other groups may have the same mindset as NCT. Although NamJoon highly doubted it, and he knew that the others did, the fact that nobody had stopped him when he left demanding that he explain what he was talking about was telling enough as it were. The real fact of the matter was that Jungkook did have a point. They had seen NCT coming. It had been incoming for a while now, but despite that, there was a point to be made for making sure that nobody else was planning on going awol like NCT. It was important that they perform a united front when they faced this situation. 

"What...the hell." Yoongi whispered softly, "I mean I know we were all contemplating the same thing, but he just said that and left so nonchalantly. Does he not even understand the dangers that he just stated!" He began to get angry. All of them were on edge, they just needed to give this some time. They had reminisced what had been said not too long ago, about giving each other time to properly get used to the new dynamic between everyone, it was just very difficult. Nobody wanted to wait, they wanted everything to be fine now, even if it was a tad bit selfish. 

"I am sure that he does. In the end, Jungkook is right, we need to do a thorough investigation. Not just on NCT, although they are the main ones we need to watch out for. The reality is, we had all seen NCT's attempts to break the ties with us for a while now. The fact that Taeyong managed to think that he could dare one up us in the middle of the cafeteria, of all things....definitely is eyeopening." Hobi stated softly, beginning to calm everyone down once he started speaking. 

They had to remember these things. Sometimes, in the chaos, it was easy to forget that Jungkook had been brought in as a member of their gang, and he had agreed. While all of them were at least partially worried about a split between the hyungs and the maknaes occuring now that Jungkook is in the picture, they needed to remember that Jungkook did not seem to care too much for them, but upon seeing how much Jimin and Taehyung cared, he would help them. He was not saying this sort of thing just to anger them, to get them to cause more division. 

It was one of the things that Hobi had come to realize, and it was somewhat a difficult pill to swallow as well. Realizing that the person that you disliked for a while just because they were new and annoying and incredibly dangerous was actually in the midst of helping you despite the very obvious anger and annoyance that they had all shown him. However, despite what the other seemed to be thinking, Hobi thought that Jungkook was doing this for the best of the group, and not to tear it apart. He knew that they all had their questions and their suspicions, but at the same time they could not let that get in they way, not right now. 

"I think." Hobi began, readying himself for what was undoubtedly going to be a chaotic response from the others. "I think that we should put a pause in testing Jimin and Tae's control over Jungkook." 

"What?" Jin hissed. 


"What for?"

"Okay, okay, shut up for one, and let me finish." Hobi said sternly, causing everyone to lapse in to silence. "It is obvious, maybe not to you guys, but it is to me, even though Jungkook is a danger, and an unknown variable, he does care about Taehyung, and to some extent, Jimin as well. As much as we may not like to say it, while they are around, he will not be doing something too drastic. Maybe, should Taehyung loose control over Jungkook, then yes, we are all in trouble, but as long as nothing happens to Taehyung, Jimin, or to the Dreamie kids, I don't believe we will have to worry about that too much. For two. Even if we don't want to admit it, Jungkook is right. If NCT had the guts to try and challenge us, who is to say the other's wont. I know, with TXT, and Stray Kids, we won't have to worry about them too much, but the others? It would not hurt to at least do a run of the mill check in." 

"He has a point," Yoongi grouched out reluctantly. 

"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelped, causing the younger to hastily release his wrist, looking at him with wide eyes. 

"I-I am sorry," He whispered softly. "I know I probably should not have said any of that, but I could not help it. What if NCT gets the hint that we are doing a check on them? They will have time to prepare, and then who knows what will happen." 

"Tae-ah, please don't get too angry. For once your little miscreant is right." Jimin said solemnly. "As much as the Hyungs want to say 'oh we saw it coming' I don't think they truly saw the lengths that NCT has gone. For them to challenge you, in public, even if they backed down, it shows that they are already trying to step in. It is dangerous. We are at the top because nobody can challenge us. NCT did exactly that, and we put them in their place, again, but at the same time, it should not have happened in the first place. With NCT being willing to challenge, who is to say the others aren't gearing up to do the same thing." 

"I trust the younger groups." Taehyung hissed. 

"I do too, I am not worried about the younger ones. I am worried about the older ones." Jimin stated sincerely. 

"Uh, guys, are we going to have some information dishing here, or am I just supposed to magically know what you are talking about when you say younger and older and all this other stuff." Jungkook intervened. 

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