Kookie vs V

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Jungkook's eyes flashed open, and he ripped himself forwards into a sitting position, eyes fuzzy, head dizzy, very acutely aware of the ache his entire body felt, but not really caring for it.

The last thing that he remembered one hundred percent clearly was Chenle on the floor bleeding, and those...those assholes standing over him laughing as though it were simply a game of truth or dare. Then again, if one watches as many horror movies as Jungkook, many would end up developing a distaste for cetain things, like truth or dare. He remembered the Monster in his mind clawing at the edges of his sanity, his rational slowly deteriorating as he saw Chenle in pain, trying to break the boundries of his mind. It had been begging to be let out, to help Chenle, told him desperately that he could make them pay for what they did, that he could help. Promised that he would beat them so that they never would dare do such a thing to innocent Chenle, not whilst he was around to protect the other. For the first time in a long while, Jungkook had finally agreed.

He still could not believe he had allowed it. Than again, the circumstances were rather dire, and there was no way that Jungkook would merely sit back and do nothing as the first person who had really came to care for him in this lifetime was being tossed about and pale skin slowly turned crimson just because he was a little bit frightened of what the Monster would do to those bullies. They got what they deserved. Hell, for even trying to go messing with Chenle they basically deserved death, luckily Jungkook was not the one to provide it. Or did he? He cannot really remember much of the whole scenario after he ket Him take over. He did remember a deep voice though. It had ripped its way through his subconscious and tore the Monster away, throwing Jungkook so suddenly back into the equation. It was odd, though, because Jungkook had never really experienced something like that. He could not say he was relieved either. For some reason, he was angry at the unknown person. Not relieved as he should be but unbearably angry. It was more than normal, more than just the typical anger, and he had a feeling it would burst dangerously if he was not careful.

The door opened, and Jungkook tore his gaze away from his hands to meet the soft brown eyes of the person at the door. The boy was...very beautiful. It did not matter, though. He did not know them, which meant they could be dangerous. They were taller than him. Probably older too now that he thought about it, which was really annoying. Jisung, Rejun, and Chenle were the closest to his age, the rest were all old.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, glaring at the mystery man. It was not as though he was not gorgeous, because he totally was, and if Jungkook was in any other situation he would be staring at him in awe, rather than glaring in angry defiance.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked, his voice deeper than normal as his Satoori poked through in the uncertainness of the situation. It always did that when he was nervous or anxious, which caused for rather annoying days, and even more annoyance in these sorts of scenes.
"My name is Jimin, ah, Taehyung brought you here." Jungkook clucked his tongue. Curious.

He knew Taehyung. Or rather, he knew of Taehyung, and the things he had heard were not exactly pleasant. The thing that snatched his attention the most was that if this was Jimin, and the person who had stopped him from murdering the fools who dared pick on Chenle was Taehyung, lucky for those fools, that meant he had caught the attention of two Bangtan Boys. Which he was warned to do the exact opposite of and he had not. Great. For now though, he wanted to see this, this Taehyung. The one who had stopped hin from dishing out the beating which those morons deserved, stopped him from exacting the justice he craved. The justice Chenle should get.

His jaw clenched. He bit down on his teeth, almost grinding them in his anger.

"Where is this...Taehyung?" He asked, eyes flashing angrily as he said the name. Jimin laughed, a little nervous, Jungkook could see it in his pathetic eyes, his beautiful mocha eyes. Pathetic mocha eyes. Jungkook shook his head to rid himself of his thoughts. What was he even doing?

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