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The sudden words from Jungkook had both Taehyung and Jimin startled. They quickly turned back towards the youngest, rushing into the adjecent room that he was sitting in, staring at them waiting for an answer to his question. Taehyung swallowed, thinking over the question that Jungkook had pointed towards them. Actually, Taehyung thought to himself as he sat down with Jungkook. I have no idea how it was that HobiHyung knew that TXT wanted to talk to us, or meet with us. For one, we don't actually keep in direct contact with them. Hobi may have said that but there is no way that he should have known that TXT wished to speak with us. It is too dangerous to keep in constant contact. It runs the risk of people realizing the connection that we have with them, and they have with us...the wrong people. Taehyung furrowed his brows, turning towards Jimin. 

"Jungkookie," Jimin began slowly. He paused, not really sure how to continue. The thoughts began to bother him as well. How did HobiHyungie know that they wanted to meet us. It would have been one thing if it had been in the note, but it was not. Not only that but we have all taken painful attempts to ensure that we are seen very little with the group. It is too dangerous to allow them to be in constant contact with us, especially considering that we are stuck in this place of all areas. There was nothing in the letter that would imply that they wished for us to talk to them either. "I...don't actually know." Jungkook furrowed his brows. 

"I...Wait...what?" Jungkook turned towards Taehyung a horribly baffled look on his face. "I thought...I thought that..." Taehyung shook his head resolutely. It definitely did not help the divit between Jungkook's brows as he got more and more confused, and a bit upset at the realization. "You are not hiding anything from me, right?" Jungkook questioned, his dark gaze turning on both of them equally, and Jimin could feel something in him shudder and whatever it was rolled down his spine. 

"No, Kookie, we are not holding anything back from you!" Jimin stated sharply. He sighed, running a hand through his hair due to the stress of this stupid situation. "There is no situation where Hobi-Hyung should have known that TXT wanted to meet up with us. Or needed to talk to us, or anything that the rest of us did not know." Jimin admitted, flopping down next to Taehyung on the bed, and curling into the Maknae. "None of us have had contact with TXT and there is a reason that we go through such extensive lengths. It is important that the wrong people don't realize that they have connections to us. Particularly when we end up forming our gang further when we get out of this stupid school." Jimin began, deciding that it was best to just explain everything, not bothering to check with Taehyung, which was probably a mistake, but at this moment he was too frazzled to really care about that last part. "We go through other groups in order to get information to and from, and should the time come and we are in the city, we will talk to them sometimes then too, but we haven't been to the city for a while. The correspondence that we got from them also did not hint to anything like that." Jimin grit his teeth. 

"So unless they are going behind us and talking to TXT..." Taehyung began. 

"They should not know anything more than what we do." Jimin whined, his eyes staring at Jungkook, hoping that the other truly believed him. Jungkook did, suffice it to say. He may not like it but it was clear that they were not hiding anything from him, at lest nothing that they knew. He sighed. 

"What do we do then?" Jungkook questioned. 

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, gently pulling Jimin off of the boy and into himself. 

"I mean...we should probably try and figure out how Hobi-Hyung knew excess information right?" Jungkook asked. 

"Why would we do that?" Jimin asked, his eyes wide as he stared at the boy. "We...We can't do that!" 

"Why not?" Taehyung asked softly. Jimin's breath exhaled in a rush. 

"Taehyung-ah, you cannot possibly be serious?" 

"Why? They are keeping things from us, Jiminie," Taehyung said softly, his fingers tracing the other's cheeks. "We need to figure out what else it that they are keeping from us, if they are keeping anything else." 

"You are talking about...about some...some infiltration mission on our own Hyungs!" Jimin stated hysterically. 

"Hey, calm yourself." Taehyung ordered sternly. 

"What if Hobi Hyung was just mentioning it because he thought that...that they would want to see us?" Taehyung turned an unimpressed look onto the other.

"And when was the last time Hobi Hyung of all people, has done that when it involved the young ones?" Jimin slumped downwards. 



"This is a horrible idea, Taehyung-ah. You know that they are still horribly on edge with Jungkookie, what..." 

"Enough, Jimin Hyung, you either are helping us or not." 

"Is that even a question." Jimin pouted. 

"Yes, it is, now which is it?" Taehyung asked, pinching Jimin's side. 

"Ow, hey! I'll help you, of course." Jimin frowned. "I just...I am just saying, and I will continue saying, it is a bad idea." 

"We can't afford it though." Jungkook said softly, his wide eyed gaze turning onto Jimin. "I...We are in the middle of trying to help Chenle, and Rejun and..." 

"I know...I know, Kookie," Jimin said with a heavy sigh. They were in the middle of a mission that could go horribly wrong if they did not have all of the information. Jimin could easily understand the worry that Jungkook was sporting, he had a good reason for it, and now that it was brought to his attention, he could not help but wonder if maybe the others were keeping more from them. Hobi was never one to utter those sorts of declarations without knowing for sure. It definitely left him worried that they may have been hiding more things from them. He still did not think that it was a good idea to do some mission on their own Hyungs, but he had to accept the fact that it was the only real suitable option to ensure that the Hyungs were not keeping vital information from them that could end up hurting Jungkook's friends. "You guys are right, I just...we have never done something like this. The Hyungs know how we work too." 

"No," Taehyung stated suddenly. "Not all of us at least." 

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