new recruit

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When they got to the room which Jimin had left Taehyung and Jungkook, Taehyung was still possessive holding him, arms snug around his waist, eyes burning holes at them.

They were sitting on the bed when they entered. Clearly more comfortable with each other now. Taehyung must have left at some point, because now Jungkook word a black choker, leather bound, with a charm dangling off it. Jimin hummed, giving their Hyungs that told you look at the sight of the choker.

"Master?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head, a bit confused. Taehyung smiled down at him, and hummed.

"Yes, sweetie?" He said sweetly, voice layered in honey, genuine warmth. The hyungs stared, mouths agape, hands hanging loosely at their sides, eyes wide in shock.

"When can I help you hurt those evil jerks who tried to hurt hyung?"

Taehyung chuckled lightly at the dark longing in Jungkook's voice.

"Soon, sweetheart, soon, I promise." Jungkook whined, clearly disappointed. He hummed, before his eyes lit up again.

"Oh, oh, Master???" Jungkook called again. He frowned when Taehyung did not answer. "Master?" He called again, voice dropping dangerously. Jungkook grit his teeth as he noticed that Taehyung was not even paying attention to him, but rather those other hyungs at the door. Jungkook growled angrily, happy mood officially gone.

"Master!" Jungkook growled, sounding more animal then man. He launched himself onto Taehyung, pinning him down, successfully taking his attention off the others and placing it back into him.

"Yes?" Taehyung said impatiently. He eyed Jungkook, staring at his water brown orbs, taking in the sadness, and anger in their depths. He
"Why are you paying attention to them instead of me? I called you three times!" He growled annoyed. "your mine, not theirs!" He leaned down staring at Taehyung seriously. "You. Are. Mine. Master. I do not like sharing." He said darkly. Taehyung chuckled, amused. Who would have thought. His bunny had a possessive streak in him. Though he supposed he should have guessed that one. Still it was endearing.

"Oh, bunny, so not worry, I don't intend to share." He said lowly, his deep voice brining chills to the hyungs, and pleasant shivers to Jungkook. "I do not share things that are mine." The sentence was said so easily, without any hesitation the hyungs could not help but be hopelessly lost, unable to really grapple with the situation and what was actively going on right before their own eyes.

"What was it you wanted, baby, hmm?" Jungkook huffed, annoyed, but glad that Taehyung was unwilling to share, he had no intention of letting him of course, but still, it was good to know. He felt trapped with Taehyung, and if that was the case, he was dragging Taehyung into his own trap too. He wouldn't go in alone. That just would not do.

"I wanted to know when I will see Chenle and Rejun hyung, I have not seen them in ages. I miss them. I want you to meet them too! ohhh,"

Jungkook's hopeful expression turned to a sort of dangerously dark mischievous look. "Master, imagine how...utterly pissed Taeyong hyung would be if he found out you and Rejun hyung, Chenle hyung, and Jisung hyung were in good speaking terms." He licked his lips and looked down at Taehyung, eyes wide and hopeful. "Can we, Master? Please? Please? Please please please???" Taehyung smirked, the boy was a natural beggar. He But his lip, and nodded. Jungkook screeched in victory. He leaned down and eagerly kissed Taehyung roughly. Taehyung smirked, amused, into the kiss. Swiftly flipping them over so Jungkook was pinned underneath him and easily took control of the kiss. He pulled away before it got too heated. Jungkook whined, but otherwise did not question him. Oh, his baby boy was already learning. He was so proud. So very, very proud. He flipped them again, so Jungkook was sitting snugly on his lap, and our his chin over the other's shoulder, to stare at his hyungs.

He had to admit, the sight of them was utterly hilarious. They were all staring in shock, even the usually emotionless Yoongi hyung. This is eyes were wide, and a film of liquid was over them, showing just how long they had been staring. A trace of something wild was in Jimin's eyes and he smirked. He saw potential, he just had to ensure his baby was okay with it, he would not do anything so crude without his love's consent naturally. They all were standing, slightly hunched over, shoulders rounded, jaws open slightly, otherwise face blank, just total shock. Taehyung could not help but be amused at the absurd reactions of his hyungs.

"I see you have chosen, Taehyung-ah." Namjoon said, managing to shake himself free of the shock before everyone else. There was a reason he and Seokjin were the leaders. "Quite, clearly," Taehyung smiled widely.
"Of course, Hyung," he said, trailing his hand down Jungkook's chest. Jungkook made no motion to stop him, just leaned back into the body behind him staring at them with narrowed eyes.

"Well, nice to meet you, Jungkook." With that they all looked towards the newest addition. It was quite clear that no matter whether they liked it or not, Jungkook was a part of their group now. That was, unless they wished to risk the wrath of V, and Nobody was insane enough to wish for such a thing much less actively challenge it. Taehyung's wrath was insurmountable, and he was clearly not in the mood to deal with their questioning his choice of a recruit.
There was also the fact that Taehyung had taken so long to even choose a recruit. So if this was the boy that he had chosen, and if the right grip on the youth's upper thigh was any indication at all he had very much been chosen, than they had to agree. Taehyung had to have seen something dark and dangerous in the child. Potential, or something sinister. Just looking at them now if was a shock that this was the same boy that Taehyung said best the living shit out of goons trying to mess with the Dreamers.

Jimin may be right. This boy may just be more dangerous than Taehyung.

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