Threatening a Chimmie

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"Jiminie," Jungkook said gently, his eyes still gleaming from the battle between the hyungs, Taehyung still being cautious and holding him to his side, not letting up. "Do you really think that the Hyungs will agree?" His voice was laced with a little bit of fear. Something which the other two were fast catching up on, and Jimin rushed over to Jungkook and held his face between his palms, staring straight into his eyes. He could not let this boy worry about his friends, and he knew that should he say the wrong thing that Jungkook would spiral back down and they would not be able to hold him back, no matter how much reverence that he had for Taehyung. 

"Of course. I am really good, you know, at getting them to agree to things? I am sure that they will agree. I just need to sit down at talk with them, is all." Jimin said gently, watching Jungkook's eyes carefully as all anger and fury seemed to begin to recede from them. He released a breathless sigh, utterly relieved that he had managed to, with the aid of Taehyung of course, calm the boy down. It would not have been good if he had gone on a spree. Who knows what the other hyungs would have done, and Jungkook had looked moments away from committing murder. On Yoongi Hyung. 

"Okay then," Jungkook said, his entire mood completely changing from what it was before, watching Jimin with careful eyes, and relaxing into the body next to him. Taehyung swiftly moved to accommodate the extra weight, not wanting Jungkook to fall. Jimin was struck with how domestic that the two were, it was an amazing thing to see, and Jimin was really happy for his friend. 

Taehyung was not someone who was easily attached to people. Something that made his neglecting to choose a final member rather understandable given his nature. Truly, they had not actually believed that he would, they just thought that they would give him the chance that should he think that he found a decent person to be added they would give him the opportunity. Yet, he had chosen. Jungkook, the newbie, had been chosen and Jimin would not deny that he had been rather surprised. After all, Jungkook had not been in the school for very long, and his ability to infiltrate into the NCT kids, that was impressive. He had managed, in his own way, to find backing, and ensure that he was not picked on...too badly. Though, other then wariness, Taehyung had never truly cared much for the new boy. It was not until he had been sent to keep an eye on the Dream kids after they had gotten rumors of threats being made to them that he had decided to pull Jungkook into their fold. It was something that had understandably made the rest of them rather anxious, especially since Taehyung was not one to really become...invested in anyone, and yet with Jungkook it had happened so quickly that it was rather frightening. Nobody had expected Taehyung to be so taken so quickly. 

It was obvious, as well. It was not the typically shallow feelings that the other generally seemed to have barring a select few that he bothered to keep around, i.e. them. It was different. It was strong, powerful, and it had happened so quickly that it was almost frightening. He then goes and claims him right away, collaring him, and everything, before announcing that he was bringing Jungkook in. Not just that, but he stood up to Taeyong, in defense of Jungkook, and by proxy Jungkook's friends. It was...amazing when Jimin thought about it. Part of Taehyung had changed, though...he hesitated to say that this was a good thing. 

He knew Taehyung, and he knew that the other was fascinated with Jungkook's volatile nature, one that was more hidden, unless someone he cared for was threatened or disrespected. The fact that he had nearly mauled Yoongi for even a slight spoken towards Chenle, ReJun, and JiSung, and then continued to decide that they would continue with their plans, despite him saying that it would put the others in potential danger cleared that one up rather swiftly. He was also not blind. Jimin had seen how Taehyung's eyes had widened, how that spark of curiosity and amusement had flared through the brown iris. He had seen the other's nature of intrigue pick up like a lightning bolt. He also knew that if it had not been the nature of what they had been discussing, Taehyung would likely have just sat back to see what Jungkook would have done. He would not be entirely surprised if Taehyung orchestrated an event to once again trigger Jungkook's inner violence and just watch and see what happens. 

That was what frightened Jimin. For now, they had control over Jungkook, and Taehyung really. Yet, they did not really know Jungkook. They did not know what made him flip. They did not know how powerful the other was. They just knew that he was capable, and more then able to work and keep up with them. They also knew that Jungkook was not someone who gave his loyalty lightly. Jimin honestly was of the opinion that the only reason Jungkook was loyal to Bangtan was because Taehyung was, and the moment Taehyung decided that he was no longer loyal to them, Jungkook would flip. In all reality, Jungkook was loyal to taehyung, and Taehyung only.

Jimin doubted that the other Hyungs had noticed it yet. He also wondered if perhaps he should bring it up to their attention, but honestly he was not entirely sure that it would do any good. While they did not have to really worry about Taehyung flipping his own loyalty, the reality was that it did not matter. Jimin did not know how it was not obvious, but he had heard the Hyungs talking about how to make sure that Jungkook stays loyal to Bangtan before, before today. In all honestly, Jimin knew that Jungkook was never loyal to Bangtan to begin with. He was loyal to Taehyung. He would have thought that it would become clear when he was more then willing to lash out at Yoongi the moment Yoongi slighted those he cared about, but yet remained willfully confined to Taehyung, obeying the other and had restrained himself from doing anything to the other.

"Jungkook, love, why don't you go and get the Dreamies?" Taehyung said gently, stroking the younger boy's head. "We should let Jimin meet them should we not?" 

"Of course!" Jungkook jumped up, and thanked Taehyung with shining eyes before running off, Jimin swallowing nervously as Taehyung turned dark eyes onto him, tilting his head slightly.

"Now, Jiminie," He began. Jimin bit his lower lip, nervous. Nothing good ever came from that name. "If you don't manage to do what you promised...I will destroy you." Jimin's eyes widened. Shock flooded him. Taehyung was an overly cruel person, especially when angry, and he could see the barely restrained annoyance that was held within the other's eyes. 

"I will follow through. I just need time to talk to them about it." Jimin reassured, his voice only shaking slightly. 


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