Part 25

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The feeling was a rather startling one. Hobi stared at the realization of Jin's fears. He had to think about it before he chastised Jin for thinking in such a matter, though, because he knew that Jin would not speak on these sorts of things if he was not actively worried that the group could split. It was not something that you would just speak on for the sake of talking. Jin was never one to really bring up worries that he was not actively thinking on either. It was a pain just trying to get him to talk about what was worrying him in the first place. The teen liked to keep things to himself. As such, Hobi deigned himself to actually think it through before denying what Jin said, because if Jin was saying it, there was a reason for it, and Hobi...well, as much as he may hate to admit it to himself, he could see what Jin was worried about, especially lately. 

Taehyung was acting as he always did, but with Jungkook. Not to mention, Jin had a point about Jimin and especially Jungkook. Jimin, he liked them, he liked hanging around them, and there was no pretending that Jimin was not fond of them, but in all reality, Taehyung had always been his priority. Jungkook, well there was no need to question that one. Jungkook was obviously incredibly loyal to Taehyung, which was rather interesting, considering the way that they had met. To some extent, Hobi had been noticing that Jungkook and Jimin also had an interesting relationship. More so than their similar loyalty to Taehyung. 

"I can see why you are worried," Hobi spoke lowly, not wanting to bring this to the attention of the others in the room, but also unfortunately not able to alley his fears either. While he was somewhat sure that the group would not split, despite these new worries that were coming into play, he could see how it could, so he was not one to pretend that things were not happening either. "Think about Taehyung though, he is loyal to us. While Jimin and Jungkook may not be loyal to us, persay, Taehyung is." Jin sighed, giving Hobi a bitter smile, something that pulled chills down his spine. 

"True, but with the coming of Jungkook, our dynamic is changing, a lot, and if we cannot figure out how to fix it, I worry that the bonds that we have with Taehyung will become more constrained than they are now. It is something that I have been worrying about for quite a while." 

"I can tell," Hobi said wryly. "As long as we can help the Dreamie kids, we can get into Jungkook's good points. I think, we should be careful. With Taehyung's permission and hopefully also with Jimin in the room as well, just in case, we can test the amount of leeway that the two have with Jungkook." 

"Jimin?" Suga cut in, having walked past whilst hearing the last part of Hobi's sentence. "I thought the whole point was to test how much power Taehyung holds over Jungkook, why are we going to be adding Jimin?" Hobi coughed, staring at the floor, 

"Hobi?" Jin questioned, looking at him expectantly. Hobi groaned annoyed at himself now. 

He had failed to realize that the others had not caught onto the same things that he had, but of course they had not, they do not pay as much attention to those sorts of things. Why would they? The relations between Taehyung and Jungkook and Jimin's own relations with the central boy were too obvious to really care to think or notice other things. He knew that, they sort of did not pay attention to the smaller things, which was a definite mistake, but now he had admitted a bit more than he had previously expected to. 

"Well, I may have a theory," He admitted, Suga stared at him, narrowed eyes, arms crossed and head tilted. That was not good. 

"And why, Hobi-ah, have you not shared this with the rest of us?" Yoongi questioned, his voice stern and annoyed. 

"I was not sure about it," Hobi said quietly. 

"And now you are?" Jin wondered, while Suga scoffed and rolled his eyes, glaring at Hobi. Hobi shrunk down a bit. He knew that hiding things from the others was not really a good idea, but at the same time, he had not really been sure of what he had suspected, and he did not want to bring potentially wrong information to the others, because that would make him feel a bit stupid. 

"Not...Not entirely." Hobi said softly, glancing up at Jin from under his eye lashes. "I just...I have suspicions is all." He cut his breath off, heavily exhaling, too nervous from the combined disappointment of Jin and Suga. "Look, I was going to tell you when I was sure, not to mention I sort of figured that you...had already figured it out." Hobi said with a nervous smile and rubbing the sides of his arms nervously. 

"Hobi is right, it is kind of obvious." NamJoon cut in and Jin scoffed, Suga shaking his head. 

"So, we are just going to skim over the fact that he kept information from us?" Suga demanded. 

"I understand why, though. Anything he says in regards to Taehyung and Jungkook is going to set us on edge." NamJoon said calmly. "It is not even Hobi that has to bring the two up. Should he bring Jimin into the equation we would not react well, you know that, even if you do not want to admit it." Suga huffed but did not say anything against it, because as much as he may loathe to admit it, NamJoon was right. They had not really done the best in regards to keeping their cool with this new addition. 

really though, how could they? He almost started a war with NCT because Jungkook was sad. How ridiculous was that? They had to be on edge when it came to the two because it was obvious that they had a lot more influence on each other than anyone wanted to admit. It was hard to figure out exactly what could happen with the two. 

"Fighting is not going to get us anywhere. Jin, you got a time to test Jungkook with Taehyung right?" NamJoon double checked. Jin clicked his tongue, but nodded. "Good, we make sure Jimin is there with all of us. Got it?" The other three nodded, even if they were agitated, they knew that NamJoon was the most level headed of all of them. If he had an idea, they would follow it, point blank. That was just how it went. "And Jin, do not worry, BangTan will not break up. Sure, we are needing an adjustment period, which is what this is. Tense, as all of us are, once we figure out the logistics of how things are going to work with Jungkook now having entered the picture, everything will settle back down, we just need to figure out what our new dynamic is. Perhaps you have forgotten, but this is exactly what has happened every time that we added a new member. It is just a bit shocking given we never really thought Taehyung was going to pick a member, let alone claim them, but it has happened, and we will figure everything out. Now calm down, and sit down, and lets eat." 

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