Part 26

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Jungkook woke the next morning, taking a moment to blink through the blur of light. It was later than he had expected, but then again he, Taehyung, and Jimin had stayed up quite late that night. He stretched his arms up, humming softly to himself. He was really glad that Jimin had managed to talk to the other hyungs about the Dreamies. Specifically ChenLe, Rejun, and Jisungie. He was glad that he had gotten the others to agree to his proposal as well. Jimin really managed to work wonders, and it was amazing that he managed to do all of this so easily. Not as amazing as he was sure Taehyungie would have managed it as well, but Jimin had a way with words and tone that Taehyung somewhat lacked. He may be new, but he knew that the entire group had a soft spot for Jiminie. Taehyungie as well, but mostly Jiminie. He was glad to have the two on his side. He knew that they could figure everything out as long as he had the two of them by his side ready to help. He glanced at where Taehyung was sleeping. The three of them had passed out not too long after sending the Dreamies to their dorm. He was shocked to see that, though Jimin was gone, likely to either get the other hyungs, or to do something that Jungkook would not really bother questioning or wondering about, Taehyung was still asleep.

Jungkook really thought Taehyung looked beautiful when he slept. One could not fault him for such thoughts. He had not ever really seen the other sleeping, considering Jungkook usually woke after he did. Besides that, he had only been with Taehyung for a couple weeks at max, and most of that time they were fighting with the hyungs. Or something of a similar nature. He looked down studying the other's profile carefully. He was far more relaxed when he was in his sleep, perhaps that was what made him look so much more angelic, than when he was awake. Really, he looked beautiful all of the time, but when he slept, he was peaceful. He did not have this...dark look around him. He was calm. Collected. It was a wonderful sight to be privileged to. He traced the side of his face with his fingertips, thoughts trailing as he continued to watch him.

He is really mine I cannot...Every time I see him I worry. Worry that I will wake up and all of this will be a dream that I imagined. I am so lucky, lucky that he is here, that I managed to catch his eyes. Perhaps most feel that it would be a bad thing, but we, us two, have something in common. I cannot quite place what it is, but I know that it is there. Jungkook was amazed at the fact. He knew that it was probably a bad thing to think in such terms, but he really could not help it, his thoughts had never truly been all that good in the first place by the by, so he supposed it was not time to change them now. I never thought...Before, that I would manage to find someone I belonged with. I thought that this was some sort of a curse, but as it would turn out, things changed...for the better. Something I was definitely not expecting. I still want vengance, Taehyungie would never fault me for it. Instead, perhaps...Jungkook felt a smirk curl on his lips. Perhaps he would be able to help. Either way, I suppose I was lucky. I was not expecting to catch the eyes of anyone this important. Perhaps it was a good thing that I went out when I did.

He slumped back against the bed, after hearing the door open and bright eye popping back into the room. Jungkook gave the other a small smile, his own bright eyes glittering. The body followed the head, and soon the entire human was standing in the room moving towards Jungkook and Taehyung. He jumped onto Jungkook giving him a hug, before curling his body next to Taehyung and in between him and Jungkook.

"He is still sleeping," Jimin said simply, as though wanting to show that he was able to observe. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the obvious statement.

"Yes, he is." He furrowed his brows. "How long...How long have you been up?" He wondered, tilting his head slightly. Jimin rolled over to face Jungkook, staring up at him with innocent eyes. Jungkook shook his head. "No, no, no, be honest." He warned, his voice dropping dangerously. Jimin raised his hands with a laugh.

"Only about an hour. The Hyungs wanted to see me." Jimin rolled his eyes as he heaved a sigh. "Apparently they had worries." He air-quoted 'worries'.

"Was it something that was worth worrying about?" Jungkook questioned, look at him unblinking. Jimin moved up a bit and hummed to himself before finally giving a bit of a shrug.

"I do not think so, but there had to be a reason for them to want me to come so early, so I assume it was something they actually worried about. I personally just think they are being paranoid. Oh, but good news!" Jimin switched the topic fast. Jungkook caught the change, knowing what he was trying to do, but he figured he should talk to Taehyung about this before pressing the older boy further so he allowed the topic change. Despite everything, Jimin and Taehyung were the ones he felt the most comfortable with, but he was more than aware that Jimin was Taehyung's first. He did not want to push his boundaries with Taehyung. "They managed to exchange contact outside." Jungkook jolted, wide awake at that information.

"Have they gotten a response?" He whispered, staring at Jimin intently.

"Not yet, but I assume they will. Soon." Jimin stated with a confidence that caused Jungkook to be unable to do anything but believe him.

Besides them, Taehyung finally stirred. He glanced towards the two of them, noting at how Jimin was practically laying in Jungkook's lap. He did not say anything, deciding to think on things about that later. It was obvious that Jimin and Jungkook were slowly getting more and more comfortable with each other. It would not be long before Taehyung put his own plans into action regarding such things.

"What are you two talking about so loudly so early?" Taehyung whined.

"Hyungie, it is not that early!" Jungkook stated with a laugh. "The sun is already up and everything." Taehyung merely huffed not saying anything.

"For your information, we were talking about the plan. Hyungs managed to get contact outside."

Just like it had done to Jungkook, Jimin's information caused him to jolt upwards and he was fully awake at that time.

"For sure?"

"Definitely," Jimin said with a smirk and a slight twirl of on of his bangs. "Of course, they had help."

"Thank you Jiminiehyung," Jungkook said gently. Jimin smiled, visibly pleased at that. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Now, a response will likely take longer than it did to get to them, but...the first step is a go." 

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