Never Underestimate Him

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Taehyung had to say that perhaps sometimes he felt that the Hyungs underestimated exactly why Taehyung had chosen Jungkook. Of course, he had told them quite clearly the reasons why he had chosen Jungkook, after having witnessed the boy's fight in keeping his friend safe, he had known that he was the one. Yet, there were times, such as the present, when the Hyungs seemed to forget that Jungkook was the wild card, and Taehyung was no longer as unknown as Jungkook. They seemed to, sort of fail to remember that even if they liked to say that they knew Jungkook, they still knew nothing of his triggers, or how to calm him down from one of his rages, especially not when it was set in. They knew very little about Jungkook's mind and how he worked, and how he handled things. It was lucky that Taehyung had managed to calm him down the first time, with Chenle near. It was frustrating for him to see how often Yoongi, Jin, and NamJoon seemed to forget that Taehyung had waited so long to pick a recruit and that the one he had picked was more then capable, and even more so for Jungkook especially when he tried to state or claim something and the others dismissed him, which angered Taehyung by proxy. Sure, Taehyung could see how the others seemed to forget that Jungkook was wild and feral and dangerous, possibly more so then Taehyung which was difficult to see. After all, Jungkook did have an unassuming aura. The boy was young, naive, child-like at times, and perhaps he looked rather innocent, but so did Jimin, and yet the boy was incredibly dangerous. Taehyung just felt that this entire situation that he was currently attempting to handle was their fault, and therefore they would have to take responsibility if he was not capable of keeping Jungkook in the proper mindset, or at least stop him from maiming them all. Taehyung was not an idiot, after all, he had chosen Jungkook because of his sudden bursts of blood lust. He thought that perhaps the Hyungs had forgotten that before the actions which currently held to the current scene.

Jungkook was stuck to Taehyung's side, and had grabbed the arm around his chest, Taehyung having had wrapped a secure arm around his torso, keeping him flush with Jungkook, and who was also humming softly as Jungkook continued glaring at the other Hyungs. Taehyung was gently running his hand up and down his arm, trying to sooth him at least in part, as though Jungkook were a volatile animal, and not a human, but then again, Taehyung had seen the animal behind his eyes, and had chosen him because of that, so in a sense it made sense, his actions, though the Hyungs did not so easily make the same connections. Taehyung had chosen Jungkook because he had seen the feral look in his eyes, the ones ever so similar to Taehyung's own, and Taehyung had felt a connection that he had not previously been given before. So he had recruited him, and claimed him. 

Though Taehyung would be remiss to allow Jungkook to take his annoyance and see where it led the boy, it would have to wait for a different time then the current one, as he also knew that it would not do well for either him or Jungkook in the long run, and Taehyung needed to be the more logically minded one at the moment, which was rather ironic to think of. Before, Taehyung was the one everyone had questioned whether he was capable of rational ability. It was never wise to tell Jungkook that he was unable to do something, and when Jungkook had attempted to give a revised plan on how they would be able to aid JiSung, ReJun, and Chenle, the others had questioned him before ultimately deciding to continue to talk about their previous plans, something which Jungkook had not taken well, causing him to lunge towards Suga, which ended in Taehyung wrapping his arm around the other and restraining him in that format, keeping him away from the other Hyungs, which left him to simply glaring at them instead. 

"Jungkook," Taehyung spoke softly, barely audible to any but Jungkook himself. "Calm down, sweet, they just need to think things over. Nobody wants to rush this." Jungkook growled, not even bothering to speak, staring straight at the Hyung Line. He bared his teeth, eyes dark. "Oh, come now," Taehyung said gently. Though, it was rather hard to stay serious. This was a rather fascinating development, and he much wanted to see where Jungkook would go with this. After all the last time he had gone feral it was when he realized that Taehyung had stopped him from doling out what he deemed a suitable punishment for those who had hurt ChenLe. He had also not exactly been in the right mindset to really set things in motion, so this was quite fascinating, and he wanted to explore the more animalistic mindset that Jungkook had, but for now, that would have to wait. It would not do to have him go feral on the Hyungs. 

Surprisingly, it was not Taehyung alone who managed to calm Jungkook down. Though Jungkook abided by Taehyung, not attempting to struggle from what was likely a fairly easy to break hold which did not escape NamJoon's notice, it was in fact Jimin who came to their rescue, which enabled Taehyung to truly talk him down. 

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin said, inserting himself in between the Hyungs and Jungkook, forcing Jungkook to see him rather then glaring at the Hyungs. "Don't worry, I will talk to them." Jimin gave a small mischievous smile. "Soon they will agree. At the very least, there is nothing to be too worried about. We will not allow ChenLe, ReJun, and JiSung to go unprotected, and most certainly we shall not allow the disrespect afforded us and them to go unpunished. We are just nervous, after all. We have not tried something like this before." Jungkook narrowed his eyes, staring at Jimin, uncomprehending. 

"Baby," Taehyung whispered softly. "I think your plan is wonderful." He said in gentle ones. "It is just going to take a lot of time, and resources, and the Hyungs thought that managing to take the boys as soon as possible was your goal."

Which, perhaps was not the case, Taehyung did not know, but he assumed that was the case. Though Jungkook's plan was the best. Managing to get the NCT Leaders backed into a corner by gaining more influence over their respective allies then NCT did was incredibly smart. The group would not dare betray BangTan if they had the same allies and had more influence over those allies. They would need help though, after all, and BangTan would need to speak with a few of the younger groups who had influence outside. it would take planning, and JiSung, ChenLe, and ReJun would not belong to them for at least a good month or more.

"I want them safe, I don't care how long it takes." Jungkook grumbled. Taehyung gave a small smile.

"Of course, Lovely, and I promise that we will keep them safe." Taehyung looked straight at Jimin, who began to have a distinct impression that Taehyung was testing him. "Is that not right, Jimin Hyung?" 

"Of course..." Jimin's answer was more a question then a statement, but it calmed Jungkook down significantly. Jimin could not help but feel that he had agreed to something that he probably should not have, though.

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