what now

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"So," Jin spoke, dragging the word out as he watched Jimin, studying the other, hand pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. "You are telling me that Taehyung went and basically kidnapped a kid, bright him to a room in the western corridor, and then left?" Jin asked. He had known that Taehyung had brought a kid to their dorm, he had even stated as such, and showed them the boy he had brought. They were of the thought that Taehyung would ditch him and throw him out when he woke up, though. It was becoming quite obvious that maybe they did not really know Taehyung as well as they had previously thought and should reassess their ability to predict the other, as this had not happened.

"No, Jinhyung." Jimin rolled his eyes and his shoulders, worry and anxiety making show itself. Hobi moved up behind Jimin and placed steady hands on the other, rolling the muscles under his hands as Jimin continued. "Did you not hear anything else that I had said?" Jimin asked, growing annoyed, and beginning to understand Taehyung'shatred of repeating himself. "The kid woke up and they had a fight, but Taehyung didn't act like usual." He stressed this. "You know Taehyunf usually instantly stops the fight before it even begin, and people are too scared to even fight him in the first place. But this time, this time was much different Hyung. He let the kid pin him to the floor. Even when I went to interfere he stopped me from doing anything."

"Woah woah woah woah woah, hold on a second. Taehyung allowed a kid he snatched up from some random hall to pin him to the floor after expressing worry over the same kid?" Hobi asked, speaking low behind Jimin as he continued to kneed the other's knots in his shoulders, but still needing clarification he did not hear wrong.

"That's what I thought!" Jimin exclaimed, glad that at least Hobi hyung understood his thoughts. The others were just staring at them blankly. "Only instead I actually saw it happen. Then he went on and on about how much better it would be that he did not allow the kid to murder those stupid morons who had been threatening and messing with the NCT Dream kids."

"Wait, are you saying that whoever this kid was actually went head to head with the guys we got in lockdown? That are passed out? From injuries? I thought Taehyung was messing arouns!" Namjoon asked, voice doubtful. They had all thought that Taehyung had been somewhat exaggerating the situation. He was known to so that quite a bit so it was not shocking that they had not quite believed the other right awat.

"Yeah," Jimin said with a small frown. "At least that's what Taehyung says. He said he stopped Jungkook, but laid no hands of violence on those goons." He rolled his eyes. "I would not be so believing if I hadn't just seen a transfer kid lunge at Taehyung and then Tae do nothing about it."

Yoongi stared at them. "Taehyung has been acting usual since he got back from his scout of the three Dreamie kids. It is not usual for him to interfere in a fight which is handle, let alone bring an unconscious person to the dorm. Especially a transfer." Yoongi reluctantly admitted.

"Then" Jimin leaned back into Hobi, who instantly wounds his arms around the other, willingly taking the extra weight as the Busan boy continued. "V got triggered, and flipped them around. All of a sudden he's talking about how Jungkook is 'his' and how he needs to address him as 'master ' and all that stuff. When I left, Taehyung had grabbed the boy by the waist, and his eyes screamed possessive. Even if the boy doesn't make it into the gang, I don't think we will have much of a choice in the first place. I bet that Taehyung is going to make an official claim on the boy sometimes real soon." The hyungs stared at Jimin with wide eyes, not believing him entirely.

" Seriously? Taehyung has never shown interest in another person from the high. We have tried. Nothing ever bears fruit." yoongi stated simply, watching Jimin with an eyebrow raised

"No, I'm making it up," Jimin said sarcastically shot back. Hobi pinched his side in reprimand. Jimin closed his eyes, breathing deeply to calm and bring in his anger so he didn't explode. "Guys, whatever we may think, Taehyung has finally chosen." Jimin said sternly, looking each of the Hyungs (except Hobi who he was still leaning into) directly in the eyes to show just how serious this was.

"I thought he never would choose." Jin said, squealing happily, the entire previous conversation seemingly forgotten. Jimin just sighed and rolled his eyes. Seriously, sometimes it was hard to believe that THIS is the guy that fought his way to the top of the social ladder of this place and blackmailed, threatened, and tortured people on his way up, just to put together the most feared gang in the history of the school. "Finally, I have another child! I thought that Taehyung would never choose another recruit. It has been forever!" Jin said, eyes bright with joy. Yoongi sighed, Jimin just settled for rolling his eyes.

"Yes, yes, we know JinHyung." Yoongi said with a shake of his head.

"GUYS!" Jimin yelled, snapping them all back to reality and causing Jimin to get a painful twist of his skin from Hobi in retribution. After pulling through the temporary pain, Jimin continued.

"I am worried. Whoever this kid is, V and Taehyung seem obsessed. Both sides. The violent, and the less violent. And Taehyung's never been obsessed before. Ever. He's never been possessive outside of us, he's never taken the time to reassure anyone outside of the group. Whoever this kid is, he's dangerous, just because of that."

The hyungs quickly sobered up, realizing Jimin was correct.

"Well, let's go visit us a new recruit." Yoongi said, smirking, rubbing his hands together happily.

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